首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >Modeling the acute health effects of astronauts from exposure to large solar particle events.

Modeling the acute health effects of astronauts from exposure to large solar particle events.


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Radiation exposure from Solar Particle Events (SPE) presents a significant health concern for astronauts for exploration missions outside the protection of the Earth's magnetic field, which could impair their performance and result in the possibility of failure of the mission. Assessing the potential for early radiation effects under such adverse conditions is of prime importance. Here we apply a biologically based mathematical model that describes the dose- and time-dependent early human responses that constitute the prodromal syndromes to consider acute risks from SPEs. We examine the possible early effects on crews from exposure to some historically large solar events on lunar and/or Mars missions. The doses and dose rates of specific organs were calculated using the Baryon radiation transport (BRYNTRN) code and a computerized anatomical man model, while the hazard of the early radiation effects and performance reduction were calculated using the Radiation-Induced Performance Decrement (RIPD) code. Based on model assumptions we show that exposure to these historical events would cause moderate early health effects to crew members inside a typical spacecraft or during extra-vehicular activities, if effective shielding and medical countermeasure tactics were not provided. We also calculate possible even worse cases (double intensity, multiple occurrences in a short period of time, etc.) to estimate the severity, onset and duration of various types of early illness. Uncertainties in the calculation due to limited data on relative biological effectiveness and dose-rate modifying factors for protons and secondary radiation, and the identification of sensitive sites in critical organs are discussed.
机译:太阳粒子事件(SPE)的辐射暴露给宇航员在地球磁场保护范围之外的探索任务带来了严重的健康问题,这可能会损害其性能并导致任务失败的可能性。评估在这种不利条件下早期辐射效应的潜力至关重要。在这里,我们应用了基于生物学的数学模型,该模型描述了构成前驱综合征的剂量和时间依赖性的早期人类反应,以考虑SPE的急性风险。我们研究了在月球和/或火星飞行任务中暴露于某些历史上较大的太阳事件对机组人员可能产生的早期影响。使用重子辐射传输(BRYNTRN)代码和计算机化的人体解剖模型来计算特定器官的剂量和剂量率,而使用辐射诱导的性能下降(RIPD)代码来计算早期辐射效应和性能降低的危害。 。基于模型假设,我们表明,如果未提供有效的防护和医疗对策策略,则暴露于这些历史事件将对典型航天器内部或在舱外活动期间的机组人员造成中等程度的早期健康影响。我们还计算出可能甚至更糟的情况(双重强度,在短时间内多次发生等),以估计各种类型的早期疾病的严重性,发作和持续时间。讨论了由于相对生物学有效性和质子和二次辐射剂量率修改因子的有限数据而导致的计算不确定性,以及在关键器官中敏感部位的鉴定。



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