首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >Decontamination and deactivation of the power burst facility at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Decontamination and deactivation of the power burst facility at the Idaho National Laboratory.


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Successful decontamination and deactivation of the Power Burst Facility located at the Idaho National Laboratory was accomplished through the use of extensive planning, job sequencing, engineering controls, continuous radiological support, and the use of a dedicated group of experienced workers. Activities included the removal and disposal of irradiated fuel, miscellaneous reactor components and debris stored in the canal, removal and disposition of a 15.6 curie Pu:Be start-up source, removal of an irradiated in-pile tube, and the removal of approximately 220,000 pounds of lead that was used as shielding primarily in Cubicle 13. The canal and reactor vessel were drained and water was transferred to an evaporation tank adjacent to the facility. The canal was decontaminated using underwater divers, and epoxy was affixed to the interior surfaces of the canal to contain loose contamination. The support structures and concrete or steel frame walls that form the confinement were left in place. The reactor core was left in place and a carbon steel shielding plate was placed over the reactor core to reduce radiation levels. All low-level waste and mixed low level waste generated as a result of the work activities was characterized and disposed.
机译:通过使用广泛的计划,工作顺序,工程控制,持续的放射学支持以及一组专门的经验丰富的工作人员,可以成功地对位于爱达荷州国家实验室的Power Burst设施进行了净化和停用。活动包括清除和处置辐照的燃料,反应堆其他杂物和运河中存储的碎片,清除和处置15.6居里Pu:Be启动源,移除辐照的桩内管以及清除约220,000磅的铅主要用作隔间13中的屏蔽层。排干了运河和反应堆的容器,并将水转移到了邻近设施的蒸发罐中。使用水下潜水员对运河进行净化处理,并将环氧树脂固定在运河的内表面以防止污染物散落。形成约束的支撑结构以及混凝土或钢制框架墙均保留在原位。将反应堆堆芯留在原处,并将碳钢屏蔽板放在反应堆堆芯上以降低辐射水平。对所有因工作活动而产生的低放废物和混合低放废物进行了表征和处置。



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