首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry and Ecology >Reeent trophic changes in Lake Pusiano (northern Italy) with particular reference to the influence of hydrodynamics on the zooplankton community

Reeent trophic changes in Lake Pusiano (northern Italy) with particular reference to the influence of hydrodynamics on the zooplankton community


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Lake Pusiano (northern Italy) has been subjected for more than 20 yr to increasing eutrophication which caused hypereutrophic conditions in the mid-1980s. Due to the introduction of a sewage-treatment network in 1986, the total P concentration in the lake water dropped from 185 μg l~(-1) in 1985 to 74 μg l~(-1) in 2003. Although there was a reduction in nutrient load, cyanobacteria blooms were observed from 1994 onwards. The aim of this study was to compare physical and chemical parameters and the zooplankton community between two investigation periods (February-December 2002 and January 2003-February 2004) that were separated by an extreme flood event in November 2001 affecting the total plankton community. From the analysis of the data sampled in 2002-2003, an increase in transparency (from 3.5 m to 5.7 m) and a decrease in chlorophyll a concentration (from 6 μg l~(-1) to 1.5 μg l~(-1)), both measured during the circulation period (December-February), were recorded. Within the phytoplankton, a shift from cyanobacteria to chlorophytes was detected. The zooplankton community changed in the composition of species, that is a higher number of species known to be less tolerant to toxic cyanobacteria were observed. The results emphasise that the flood event at the end of 2002 accelerated the process of reoligotrophication in the lake and contributed to an increased diversification of the zooplankton community. The generally increasing frequency of occurrence of flooding events following heavy rainfalls might be considered a major factor in regulating plankton community composition in the future.
机译:Pusiano湖(意大利北部)经历了20多年的富营养化,这导致了1980年代中期的富营养化状况。由于1986年引入了污水处理网络,湖水中的总P浓度从1985年的185μgl〜(-1)下降到2003年的74μgl〜(-1)。在营养负荷方面,从1994年开始观察到了蓝藻水华。这项研究的目的是比较两个调查期(2002年2月至2002年12月和2003年1月至2004年2月)之间的物理和化学参数以及浮游动物群落,这两个时期分别受到2001年11月发生的影响整个浮游生物群落的极端洪水事件的影响。通过对2002-2003年采样数据的分析,透明度增加(从3.5 m到5.7 m)和叶绿素a浓度降低(从6μgl〜(-1)到1.5μgl〜(-1)都记录了在循环期间(12月至2月)测量的)。在浮游植物内,检测到从蓝细菌到绿藻类的转变。浮游动物群落的物种组成发生了变化,即观察到更多的已知对毒性蓝细菌的耐受性较低的物种。结果强调,2002年底的洪水事件加速了湖中的再营养化过程,并促进了浮游动物群落的多样化。大雨后洪水事件发生的频率普遍增加,可能被认为是将来调节浮游生物群落组成的主要因素。



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