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Subzonal insemination with primary spermatocytes in mouse


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IT is well known that oocytes, in general condition, can be penetrated by sperm rather than round spermatids. In 1993, Ogura injected round spermatid nuclei into hamster oocytes and demonstrated that the spermatid nuclei could transform into pronucleiwith DNA synthesis and that their chromosomes mingled with oocyte chromosomes immediately. In order to avoid the mechanical damage to the oocytes, an alternative method, cell-to-cell fusion, was used. Approximately 20 % -- 40 % and 30 % of round spermatids could be fused with oocytes by electric stimulation in hamster and mouse, respectively. Some of the fused mouse oocytes could develop normally to term. Secondary spermatocyte is 2 N haploid. After injection of a single secondary spermatocyte nucleusinto an oocyte, both the oocyte and spermatocyte chromosomes completed their meiotic divisions, resulting in the formation of a haploid female and male pronuclei, which supported normal embryonic development 24% of the embryos could develop into normal offspring after transfer. Primary spermatocyte is 4 N diploid. Can it participate in syngamy? In 1995, Kimura reported that when the oocyte into which a primary spermatocyte was injected was left unactivated for 2 h, the spermatocyte chromosomes con-densed prematurely. These chromosomes as well as metaphase- II oocyte chromosomes resumed meiosis upon electroactivation, culminating in the formation of two pronuclei, one of which was paternal origin and was diploid or polyploid. On the basis of our previous success in the microfertilization with round spermatids, the behavior and developmental potential of mouse primary spermatocyte nuclei fused into the oocytes are reported in this note.
机译:众所周知,一般情况下,卵母细胞可以被精子而不是圆形的精子穿透。 1993年,Ogura将圆形的精子细胞核注入仓鼠卵母细胞,证明精子细胞的核可以通过DNA合成转化为原核,并且它们的染色体立即与卵母细胞的染色体混合。为了避免对卵母细胞的机械损伤,使用了另一种方法,细胞间融合。在仓鼠和小鼠中,分别通过电刺激可以将大约20%-40%和30%的圆形精子与卵母细胞融合。一些融合的小鼠卵母细胞可以正常发育至足月。次生精母细胞是2 N单倍体。向卵母细胞中注射单个次生精母细胞核后,卵母细胞和精母细胞染色体均完成了减数分裂,形成了单倍体雌,雄原核,这支持正常的胚胎发育。24%的胚胎在发育后可以发育成正常的后代。转让。原代精母细胞是4 N二倍体。它可以参加一夫一妻制吗? 1995年,木村报道,当注入原代精母细胞的卵母细胞静置2小时后,精母细胞的染色体过早浓缩。这些染色体以及II期卵母细胞染色体在电激活后恢复减数分裂,最终形成两个前核,其中一个是父系起源,是二倍体或多倍体。基于我们先前对圆形精子进行微受精的成功经验,在本说明中报道了融合到卵母细胞中的小鼠初级精母细胞核的行为和发育潜力。



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