首页> 外文期刊>Chinese physics letters >Ground-state properties of charged bosons confined in a one-dimensional harmonic double-well trap: diffusion Monte Carlo calculations

Ground-state properties of charged bosons confined in a one-dimensional harmonic double-well trap: diffusion Monte Carlo calculations


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The diffusion Monte Carlo method is applied to study the groud-state propertied of charged bosons in on dimension confined in a harmonic double-well trap. The particles interact repulsively a Coulombic 1/r potential. Numerical results show that the well seperation has significan influence on the ground-state propertied of the system. When the interaction of the system is weak, ground-state energy decreases with the increasing well seperation and has a minimal value. If the well seperation increase continually, the ground-state energy increase and approaches to a constant gradually. This effect will be abatable in the strong interacting system. In addition, by calculating the density of the systems for differen interaction strengths with various well seperations, we find that the density increases abnormally when the well seperation is large at the centre of the system.
机译:应用扩散蒙特卡罗方法研究了带电玻色子在谐和双阱陷阱中所限定尺寸的态。粒子相互排斥地产生库仑1 / r电位。数值结果表明,井距对系统的基态特性具有重要影响。当系统的相互作用较弱时,基态能量会随着阱间距的增加而减小,并具有最小值。如果井间距不断增加,则基态能量会增加,并逐渐接近恒定值。在强大的交互系统中,这种效果是可以减轻的。另外,通过计算具有各种井距的不同相互作用强度的系统密度,我们发现当井距在系统中心较大时,密度异常增加。



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