首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry >Immediate Implant Placement and Loading of Single Implants in the Esthetic Zone: Clinical Outcome and Esthetic Evaluation in a Japanese Population

Immediate Implant Placement and Loading of Single Implants in the Esthetic Zone: Clinical Outcome and Esthetic Evaluation in a Japanese Population


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This study evaluated the clinical outcomes of immediately loaded maxillary anterior single implants placed in fresh extraction sockets. A patient cohort that was treated 1.5 years earlier was recalled, and 18 patients (6 men, 12 women) with 21 implants were included. Clinical photographs and periapical radiographs were taken at follow-up and baseline to determine the bone loss and change in esthetics. No marginal bone loss was detected at follow-up (mean bone level standard deviation = 0.32 +/- 0.82 mm). Immediate implant placement and loading resulted in predictable clinical and esthetic outcomes, with soft and hard tissue levels remaining stable overtime.
机译:这项研究评估了立即放置在新鲜拔牙窝中的上颌前单个种植体的临床效果。召回了1.5年前接受治疗的患者队列,其中包括18例患者(6例男性,12例女性),其中有21种植入物。在随访和基线时拍摄临床照片和根尖周放射照片,以确定骨质流失和美学变化。在随访中未检测到边缘性骨丢失(平均骨水平标准差= 0.32 +/- 0.82 mm)。立即植入和放置植入物可产生可预测的临床和美学效果,软组织和硬组织水平在一段时间内保持稳定。



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