首页> 外文期刊>Pervasive and Mobile Computing >Segmenting Bayesian networks for intelligent information dissemination in collaborative, context-aware environments with Bayeslets

Segmenting Bayesian networks for intelligent information dissemination in collaborative, context-aware environments with Bayeslets


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With ever smaller processors and ubiquitous Internet connectivity, the pervasive computing environments from Mark Weiser's vision are coming closer. For their context-awareness, they will have to incorporate data from the abundance of sensors integrated in everyday life and to benefit from continuous machine-to-machine communications. Along with huge opportunities, this also poses problems: sensor measurements may conflict, processing times of logical and statistical reasoning algorithms increase non-deterministically polynomially or even exponentially, and wireless networks might become congested by the transmissions of all measurements. Bayesian networks are a good starting point for inference algorithms in pervasive computing, but still suffer from information overload in terms of network load and computation time. Thus, this work proposes to distribute processing with a modular Bayesian approach, thereby segmenting complex Bayesian networks. The introduced "Bayeslets" can be used to transmit and process only information which is valuable for its receiver. Two methods to measure the worth of information for the purpose of segmentation are presented and evaluated. As an example for a context-aware service, they are applied to a scenario from cooperative vehicular services, namely adaptive cruise control.
机译:凭借越来越小的处理器和无处不在的Internet连接,Mark Weiser的愿景所普及的计算环境越来越近。对于他们的上下文感知,他们将必须整合日常生活中集成的大量传感器的数据,并受益于连续的机器对机器通信。伴随着巨大的机会,这也带来了问题:传感器的测量结果可能会发生冲突,逻辑和统计推理算法的处理时间会不确定地呈多项式甚至指数增长,并且无线网络可能会因所有测量值的传输而变得拥塞。贝叶斯网络是普适计算中推理算法的一个很好的起点,但是在网络负载和计算时间方面仍然遭受信息过载的困扰。因此,这项工作建议采用模块化贝叶斯方法来分配处理,从而分割复杂的贝叶斯网络。引入的“ Bayeslets”可以用于仅传输和处理对其接收器有价值的信息。提出并评估了两种用于分割的信息价值度量方法。作为上下文感知服务的示例,它们被应用于来自协作车辆服务的场景,即自适应巡航控制。



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