首页> 外文期刊>Virus Genes >Genetic and antigenic characterization of H5 and H7 influenza viruses isolated from migratory water birds in Hokkaido, Japan and Mongolia from 2010 to 2014

Genetic and antigenic characterization of H5 and H7 influenza viruses isolated from migratory water birds in Hokkaido, Japan and Mongolia from 2010 to 2014


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Migratory water birds are the natural reservoir of influenza A viruses. H5 and H7 influenza viruses are isolated over the world and also circulate among poultry in Asia. In 2010, two H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) were isolated from fecal samples of water birds on the flyway of migration from Siberia, Russia to the south in Hokkaido, Japan. H7N9 viruses are sporadically isolated from humans and circulate in poultry in China. To monitor whether these viruses have spread in the wild bird population, we conducted virological surveillance of avian influenza in migratory water birds in autumn from 2010 to 2014. A total of 8103 fecal samples from migratory water birds were collected in Japan and Mongolia, and 350 influenza viruses including 13 H5 and 19 H7 influenza viruses were isolated. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that all isolates are genetically closely related to viruses circulating among wild water birds. The results of the antigenic analysis indicated that the antigenicity of viruses in wild water birds is highly stable despite their nucleotide sequence diversity but is distinct from that of HPAIVs recently isolated in Asia. The present results suggest that HPAIVs and Chinese H7N9 viruses were not predominantly circulating in migratory water birds; however, continued monitoring of H5 and H7 influenza viruses both in domestic and wild birds is recommended for the control of avian influenza.
机译:候鸟是甲型流感病毒的天然库。 H5和H7流感病毒在世界范围内分离,并在亚洲的家禽中传播。 2010年,在从俄罗斯西伯利亚迁移到日本北海道南部的途中,从水禽粪便样本中分离出了两种H5N1高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAIV)。 H7N9病毒是从人间零星分离的,并在中国的家禽中传播。为了监测这些病毒是否已在野鸟种群中传播,我们于2010年至2014年秋季对迁徙水鸟进行了禽流感病毒的病毒学监测。在日本和蒙古共收集了8103份迁徙水鸟的粪便样本,其中350份分离出包括13种H5和19种H7流感病毒的流感病毒。系统发育分析表明,所有分离株与野生水禽之间传播的病毒在遗传上密切相关。抗原分析的结果表明,尽管野生水禽的核苷酸序列具有多样性,但其抗原性还是高度稳定的,但与亚洲最近分离出的HPAIV不同。目前的结果表明,HPAIV和中国H7N9病毒在迁徙水禽中并非主要传播。但是,建议继续监控家禽和野禽中的H5和H7流感病毒,以控制禽流感。


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