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Value co-creation through collective intelligence in the public sector: A review of US and European initiatives


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On the basis of the Collective Intelligence Genome framework, which was developed to describe private, for profit ventures, this study aims to review the recent public sector initiatives launched by the American federal government and the European Union. The study's goal is to examine if, and how, the Genome construct would apply to not for profit. Design/methodology/approach: This paper builds on an existing classification methodology for collective intelligence initiatives and extends it to pubic sector initiatives. Findings: The findings suggest that, although the framework offers a generally good fit, it does not fully address all the factors at play and the paper proposes expanding the gene pool. In addition, it confirms that Collective Intelligence initiatives do indeed co-create value and conform to the emerging services dominant logic concept. Originality/value: With the growing success of profit motivated internet-based collaborative ventures, including Innocentive, VenCorps, Threadless and many others, governments have taken notice and engaged. Recent public sector initiatives, including Open.gov, Peer 2 Patent, innovation.ED.gov among others, have begun to leverage collaborative internet media through similar means. These initiatives not only engage a broader community in the co-creation of value, but also foster what has been termed as Collective Intelligence. This paper details one of the first forays into what might be termed sense making within the public sector usage of Collective Intelligence using the Genome framework and, as such, provides researchers and practitioners with a means of assessing value, potential impact and making comparisons.
机译:该研究基于集体情报基因组框架(该框架旨在描述私营企业和营利性企业)而开发,其目的是回顾美国联邦政府和欧盟最近发起的公共部门举措。该研究的目的是研究基因组构建是否以及如何适用于非营利性组织。设计/方法/方法:本文基于现有的集体情报计划分类方法,并将其扩展到公共部门计划。结果:研究结果表明,尽管该框架总体上很合适,但并未完全解决所有起作用的因素,因此本文提出扩大基因库。此外,它证实了集体智能计划确实确实创造了价值并符合新兴的服务主导逻辑概念。独创性/价值:随着基于利润的基于互联网的协作型企业(包括Innocentive,VenCorps,Threadless等)的日益成功,政府已经注意到并参与其中。最近的公共部门计划,包括Open.gov,Peer 2 Patent,innovation.ED.go​​v等,已开始通过类似方式利用协作式互联网媒体。这些举措不仅使更广泛的社区参与到价值的共同创造中,而且还促进了所谓的集体智慧。本文详细介绍了首次尝试中的一项尝试,即使用基因组框架在公共部门使用集体智慧的过程中进行有意义的决策,因此,为研究人员和从业人员提供了一种评估价值,潜在影响并进行比较的方法。



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