首页> 外文期刊>Vegetation History and Archaeobotany >Four thousand years of plant exploitation in the Lake Chad Basin (Nigeria), part III: plant impressions in potsherds from the Final Stone Age Gajiganna Culture

Four thousand years of plant exploitation in the Lake Chad Basin (Nigeria), part III: plant impressions in potsherds from the Final Stone Age Gajiganna Culture


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Late Holocene climatic changes caused a large scale regression of the Lake Chad shoreline followed by an expansion of settlements into previously unexplored territories. Numerous Final Stone Age sites of the Gajiganna Culture (1,800 to 800 b.c.) in the Lake Chad Basin (northeast Nigeria) yielded plant impressions in potsherds. The ceramics of Phase I (1,800-1,400 b.c.) were mineral tempered, and plant impressions, mainly of Paniceae, were caused only by incidental inclusion. In contrast, a considerable number of the sherds from Phase II (1,500-800 b.c.) were intentionally tempered with chaff derived from domesticated pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), wild Paniceae and wild rice species (Oryza cf. barthii and O. cf. longistaminata). This plant spectrum suggests the exploitation of the wet wild areas, and also the cultivation of pearl millet on sandy soils. The evidence suggests that agricultural practices were established late and were introduced from elsewhere. During the time of seasonally occupied sites in Phase I, the subsistence strategy was based on herding, fishing, and gathering, while in Phase II there are signs of permanent settlements and agriculture. The evidence from the plant impressions indicates that in the Final Stone Age Gajiganna Culture around 1,000-800 b.c., pearl millet became well established while the gathering of wild millets and rice was still practised.
机译:全新世晚期的气候变化导致乍得湖海岸线大规模退缩,然后将定居点扩展到以前未开发的领土。乍得湖盆地(尼日利亚东北部)的加吉甘纳文化的许多最终石器时代遗址(公元前1800年至800年)在陶罐中产生了植物印象。第一阶段的陶瓷(公元前1800年至1400年)经过矿物回火处理,主要是Paniceae的植物印记仅由偶然的夹杂物引起。相比之下,第二阶段(1,500-800 bc)的大量草料被有意地用驯养的珍珠粟(Pennisetum glaucum),野生的潘尼西亚和野生稻(Oryza cf. barthii和O. cf. longistaminata)衍生的谷壳进行回火。 )。该植物光谱表明对潮湿的野生地区的开发,以及在沙质土壤上种植珍珠粟。有证据表明,农业实践建立得很晚,并从其他地方引进。在第一阶段季节性占领的土地期间,生存策略以放牧,捕鱼和采集为基础,而在第二阶段则有永久定居和农业的迹象。从植物印象中获得的证据表明,在最后石器时代的加吉甘纳文化中,大约在公元前1000-800年,珍珠小米已经成熟,而野生小米和稻米的采集仍在进行。



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