首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences >Life-history Aspects of Caspian Shemaya Alburnus chalcoides in Two South Caspian Rivers (Siahroud and Gorganroud)

Life-history Aspects of Caspian Shemaya Alburnus chalcoides in Two South Caspian Rivers (Siahroud and Gorganroud)

机译:在南里海的两条河流(Siahroud和Gorganroud)中,里海Shemaya Alburnus chalcoides的生活史方面

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Specimens of A. chalcoides caught in Siahroud (central of south Caspian Basin) and Gorganroud (east of south Caspian Basin) during spawning season from February to August 2007 were examined for life history attributes. The fish had a 5-year life cycle in the rivers and grew allometrically, being negative allometric for males of the Siahroud and positive for both males and females of Gorganroud and for females of Siahroud. The von Bertalanffy growth functions were L-t=370.08(1-e(-0.15(1+0.70))) for males and L-t=432.52(1-e(-0.11(t+1.21)) for females in the Siahroud and L-t=371.79(1-e(-0.14(t+0.96)))) for males and L-t=436.10(1-e(-0.11(t+1.34))) for females in the Gorganroud. Overall sex ratio was unbalanced in favor of females in the rivers. The GSI indicated that reproduction of Caspian shemaya occurred between April-July in the Siahroud and March-June in the Gorganroud, peaking in May in both rivers. The absolute fecundity ranged between 1,674-38,340 eggs with a mean of 8,426.25 eggs in the Siahroud and between 623-17,263 eggs with a mean of 4,214.70 eggs in the Gorganroud, while relative fecundity ranged from 23.28 to 598.86 eggs/g with an average of 211.68 eggs/g of body weight in the Siahroud and from 12.11 to 696.38 eggs/g with an average of 111.60 eggs/g of body weight in the Gorganroud. Mean egg diameter in the Siahroud was 1.40 +/- 0.14mm and 1.27 +/- 0.27mm in the Gorganroud. Comparisons of the results imply that many aspects of life history of Caspian shemaya are different markedly among the rivers. The differences were thought to have emanated from differences in habitat characteristics.
机译:检查了在2007年2月至2007年8月产卵季节在Siahroud(南里海盆地中部)和Gorganroud(南里海盆地东部)中捕获的A. chalcoides的生活史属性。这条鱼在河流中的生命周期为5年,并且在等长线上生长,对Siahroud雄性而言为负异性,对Gorganroud雄性和雌性以及Siahroud雌性均为正。在Siahroud,男性的von Bertalanffy生长函数为Lt = 370.08(1-e(-0.15(1 + 0.70))),女性为Lt = 432.52(1-e(-0.11(t + 1.21)),Lt =在Gorganroud中,男性为371.79(1-e(-0.14(t + 0.96)))),女性为Lt = 436.10(1-e(-0.11(t + 1.34)))。总体性别比例不平衡,有利于河流中的女性。 GSI指出,里海shemaya繁殖发生在4月至7月的Siahroud和3月至6月的Gorganroud,在两条河流中均达到顶峰。绝对繁殖力在Siahroud中为1,674-38,340卵,平均为8,426.25个卵,在Gorganroud中为623-17,263卵,平均为4,214.70卵,而相对繁殖力为23.28-598.86卵/ g,平均为211.68。希亚洛德(Siahroud)的鸡蛋/克体重,以及从12.11至696.38蛋/克,而在戈尔格鲁德(Gorganroud)平均为111.60蛋/克体重。 Siahroud的平均卵径为1.40 +/- 0.14mm,Gorganroud的平均卵径为1.27 +/- 0.27mm。结果的比较表明,里海谢马亚人的生活史的许多方面在河流之间明显不同。人们认为这种差异是由于生境特征的差异引起的。



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