首页> 外文期刊>X-Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal >Use of micro-PIXE to investigate otolith Sr distributions of the anadromous striped bass, Morone saxatilis

Use of micro-PIXE to investigate otolith Sr distributions of the anadromous striped bass, Morone saxatilis

机译:使用micro-PIXE研究异常条纹鲈鱼Morone saxatilis的耳石Sr分布

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Migration patterns of anadromous Atlantic coast striped bass, Morone saxatilis, have been determined primarily through mark and recapture studies. These studies provide little information about the duration, seasonality and frequency of estuarine and ocean migratory phases of migration, nor have they identified the age at which striped bass first exhibit anadromy. In order to investigate how otolith Sr distributions can contribute to these aspects of fish life histories, otoliths from striped bass of the Roanoke-Albemarle Sound, North Carolina population were analyzed using a scanning proton microprobe (micro-PIXE). The results suggest that micro-PIXE can provide detailed information about migration patterns for this population. Differences in striped bass migration were observed. Two fish exhibited emigration to ocean habitats at 2 years of age. Interestingly, the two movement patterns observed, one resident and one migratory, were related to the three major genotypes (mtDNA) of this population, suggesting that timing and appearance of anadromy might be related to lineage for this species. Additional sampling will be necessary in order to confirm this hypothesis. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:主要通过标记和捕获研究确定了大西洋大西洋海岸条带鲈鲈(Morone saxatilis)的迁移方式。这些研究几乎没有提供有关河口和海洋迁徙阶段的持续时间,季节性和频率的信息,也没有确定条纹鲈鱼首次呈现出反常性的年龄。为了研究耳石的Sr分布如何有助于鱼类生活史的这些方面,使用扫描质子微探针(micro-PIXE)分析了北卡罗来纳州罗阿诺克-阿尔伯马尔峡湾条纹鲈的耳石。结果表明,micro-PIXE可以提供有关该人群迁移模式的详细信息。观察到条纹鲈鱼迁移的差异。 2岁时有两条鱼移居到海洋栖息地。有趣的是,观察到的两种运动模式(一个居民和一个迁徙)与该种群的三种主要基因型(mtDNA)有关,这表明花粉症的发生时间和出现可能与该物种的血统有关。为了确认该假设,将需要进行额外的采样。版权所有(c)2005 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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