首页> 外文期刊>Tribology International >Advanced ceramics as friction material in lubricated clutch systems

Advanced ceramics as friction material in lubricated clutch systems


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The trend in development of mobility systems is very much influenced by the need of reducing CO_2 emission. For this reason it is important to increase power density and efficiency of vehicles powertrain by improving single powertrain components as well as developing completely new powertrain concepts. Shiftable clutches are influencing the dynamic behaviour as well as the energy efficiency of the powertrain due to complex interaction within the system. Power density is very much influenced by the tribological contact of clutch systems which is very important concerning fulfilling systems functionality. The paper focuses experimental investigations of lubricated clutch systems. New experimental methods to determine the oil flow within the tribological contact are presented. Based on these results the potential concerning increasing power density and the methods and tools to support development of tribological systems based on advanced ceramics will be discussed.



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