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Conti Uses World Cup to Spread the Labelling Message


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The World Cup gave major sponsor Continental a perfect opportunity to combine its tyre products and football connection. The company invited automotive journalists and tyre dealers to its Contidrome test facility outside of Hanover, Germany to learn more about the upcoming EU tyre labelling and regulations, Conti products - particularly the recently introduced Conti-SportContact 5P - and mixed this business with a dash of football viewing on three especially installed giant televisions. In recognition of Conti's World Cup sponsorship role - and a fitting coincidence, given that it was held on the hottest day of the year - the event was named "African Summer".
机译:世界杯为主要赞助商美国大陆航空提供了一个绝佳的机会,将其轮胎产品与足球联系在一起。该公司邀请汽车记者和轮胎经销商前往德国汉诺威市郊的Contidrome测试设施,以了解有关即将到来的欧盟轮胎标签和法规,Conti产品(尤其是最近推出的Conti-SportContact 5P)的更多信息,并将该业务与在三台特别安装的巨型电视上观看足球比赛。考虑到孔蒂在世界杯足球赛中的赞助角色-以及巧合,因为它是在一年中最热的一天举行的-该赛事被命名为“非洲夏季”。



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