首页> 外文期刊>Tree Physiology >Rates and quantities of carbon flux to ectomycorrhizal mycelium following C-14 pulse labeling of Pinus sylvestris seedlings: effects of litter patches and interaction with a wood-decomposer fungus

Rates and quantities of carbon flux to ectomycorrhizal mycelium following C-14 pulse labeling of Pinus sylvestris seedlings: effects of litter patches and interaction with a wood-decomposer fungus


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We used a novel digital autoradiographic technique that enabled, for the first time, simultaneous visualization and quantification of spatial and temporal changes in carbon allocation patterns in ectomycorrhizal mycelia. Mycorrhizal plants of Pinus sylvestris L. were grown in microcosms containing non-sterile peat. The time course and spatial distribution of carbon allocation by Fl sylvestris to mycelia of its mycorrhizal partners, Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and Suillus bovinus (L.): Kuntze, were quantified following C-14 pulse labeling of the plants. Litter patches were used to investigate the effects of nutrient resource quality on carbon allocation. The wood-decomposer fungus Phanerochaete velutina (D.C.: Pers.) Parmasto was introduced to evaluate competitive and territorial interactions between its mycelial cords and the mycelial system of S. bovinus.
机译:我们使用了一种新颖的数字放射自显影技术,该技术首次使外生菌根菌丝体中碳分配模式的时空变化同时可视化和量化。樟子松的菌根植物生长在含有非无菌泥炭的微观世界中。 Fl sylvestris菌根伙伴Paxillus involutus(Batsch)Fr对菌丝体碳分布的时间分布和空间分布。在植物的C-14脉冲标记后,对牛和牛乳杆菌(L。):Kuntze进行定量。凋落斑块用于研究养分资源质量对碳分配的影响。引入了木材分解真菌Phanerochaete velutina(D.C .: Pers。)Parmasto,以评估其菌丝与牛链球菌菌丝系统之间的竞争性和领土性相互作用。



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