首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion: The Journal of the American Association of Blood Banks >Investigational screening for Babesia microti in a large repository of blood donor samples from nonendemic and endemic areas of the United States

Investigational screening for Babesia microti in a large repository of blood donor samples from nonendemic and endemic areas of the United States


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BACKGROUND: Babesia microti, a transfusiontransmissible intraerythrocytic parasite, is increasing in frequency in the United States with no available FDAlicensed donor screening assay. We utilized investigational arrayed fluorescence immunoassay (AFIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect B. microti antibodies and DNA in blood donors. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: AFIA and real-time PCR were performed on frozen paired EDTA plasma (AFIA) and EDTA whole blood (PCR) samples collected from May to September 2010 to 2011 in nonendemic (Arizona [AZ] and Oklahoma [OK]), moderately endemic (Minnesota [MN] and Wisconsin [WI]), and highly endemic (Connecticut [CT] and Massachusetts [MA]) areas of the United States. AFIA utilized B. microti piroplasm as an antigen substrate; PCR primers and probes targeted the B. microti 18S ribosomal RNA gene. Data from AZ and OK were used to calculate specificity. All AFIA- or PCR-positive or -inconclusive donors were deferred, notified, and invited to participate in a follow-up study involving repeat testing and a demographic and risk-factor questionnaire. Recipient tracing was performed for any cellular component transfused at index, at subsequent donation, or within the prior 12 months. RESULTS: Testing of 13,269 paired samples included 4022 from AZ and OK, 4167 from MN and WI, and 5080 from CT and MA. B. microti antibody and/or DNA prevalences were 0.025% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.00%-0.14%), 0.12% (95% CI, 0.04%-0.28%), and 0.75% (95% CI, 0.53%-1.03%) in the nonendemic, midendemic, and high-endemic regions, respectively. Specificities were 99.95% (95% CI, 99.82%-99.99%) at a 1-in-64 AFIA cutoff and 99.98% (95% CI, 99.86% 100.00%) at a 1-in-128 cutoff. CONCLUSIONS: B. microti prevalence followed expected geographical patterns. Screening was feasible with a performance comparable or superior to other infectious disease blood donor screening assays.
机译:背景:小巴贝虫,一种可输血传播的红细胞内寄生虫,在美国频率越来越高,尚无可用的FDA许可的供体筛选试验。我们利用研究性阵列荧光免疫测定(AFIA)和聚合酶链反应(PCR)来检测献血者中的B. microti抗体和DNA。研究设计与方法:AFIA和实时PCR对非流行病(亚利桑那州[AZ]和俄克拉荷马州[OK])从2010年5月至2011年9月至2011年9月收集的冷冻配对EDTA血浆(AFIA)和EDTA全血(PCR)样品进行,美国的中度流行地区(明尼苏达州[MN]和威斯康星州[WI])和高流行地区(康涅狄格州[CT]和马萨诸塞州[MA])。 AFIA以小肠双歧杆菌为抗原底物。 PCR引物和探针靶向B. microti 18S核糖体RNA基因。来自AZ和OK的数据用于计算特异性。所有AFIA或PCR阳性或不确定的供体均被推迟,通知并邀请其参加包括重复测试以及人口统计学和风险因素问卷的后续研究。对在指数,随后的捐赠时或之前的12个月内输注的任何细胞成分进行了收件人追踪。结果:13269个配对样本的测试包括AZ和OK的4022个,MN和WI的4167个,CT和MA的5080个。 B.微量抗体和/或DNA患病率分别为0.025%(95%置信区间[CI],0.00%-0.14%),0.12%(95%CI,0.04%-0.28%)和0.75%(95%CI,非流行区,中流行区和高流行区分别为0.53%-1.03%)。在1-in-64 AFIA截断时特异性为99.95%(95%CI,99.82%-99.99%),在128-in 1-in截断时特异性为99.98%(95%CI,99.86%100.00%)。结论:小肠杆菌的流行遵循预期的地理模式。筛选是可行的,其性能可与其他传染病献血者筛选测定相比或更高。



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