
Duke power tackles 600-V cable problem

机译:杜克电源解决600 V电缆问题

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The impact of 600-V URD cable failures never received a great deal of attention, mainly because a single run of cable may only serve a few customers and, therefore, contributes little to system reliability indexes. Many utilities believe dig-ins cause the majority of their failures and reason there is little they can do to prevent them. However, a close examination of 600-V systems reveals some interesting results with respect to achieving a balance among system design, installation costs and failure rates. Duke Power (Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.) conducted a survey of 33 utilities that showed the number of failures per year varied from 47 to 7000. When the number of failures per year was based on the number of cable miles installed per year, the values converged to a range of 0.09 to 3.91 failures per mile (per 1.6 km). Assuming each failure costs US
机译:600 V URD电缆故障的影响从未引起人们的广泛关注,这主要是因为单根电缆可能仅服务于少数客户,因此对系统可靠性指标的贡献很小。许多公用事业公司认为,挖掘是造成大多数故障的原因,原因是他们无能为力。但是,仔细检查600 V系统会发现一些有趣的结果,可以实现系统设计,安装成本和故障率之间的平衡。 Duke Power(美国北卡罗来纳州夏洛特)对33家公用事业公司进行了一项调查,结果显示每年的故障数从47到7000不等。如果每年的故障数是基于每年安装的电缆英里数,则值收敛到每英里(每1.6公里)0.09至3.91个故障范围。假设每次故障造成的损失为美金



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