
Investing in Infrastructure


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How are transmission owners handling the requirements of FERC Order 1000? The brave new world of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 1000 is really just beginning, and it is too soon to tell just what the impact will be, according to industry participants. The order requires interregional coordination in planning and cost allocation by transmission owners, and it removes the right of first refusal for incumbent operators on new transmission projects to foster competition. "Some things have worked well and some things not so well," said Mike Kormos, COO of PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission organization (RTO). Today, in the early stage of implementation, many transmission owners still are not certain of the full impact of Order 1000 and may not be for the next several years. Executives from several transmission owners shared with T&D World how Order 1000 has impacted their organizations to date and what lessons they are learning from each other.
机译:变速箱所有者如何处理FERC Order 1000的要求?业内人士称,《联邦能源管理委员会第1000号命令》的新世界实际上才刚刚开始,现在还无法断定其影响将为时过早。该命令要求输电拥有者在计划和成本分配方面进行区域间协调,并取消了现有运营商对新输电项目的优先购买权,以促进竞争。区域传输组织(RTO)PJM Interconnection的首席运营官Mike Kormos说:“有些事情运行良好,而有些情况却不太好。”如今,在实施的初期,许多变速箱所有者仍不确定1000号订单的全部影响,并且可能不会在未来几年出现。来自多个变速箱所有者的高管与T&D World共享了Order 1000迄今为止如何影响其组织以及他们相互学习的经验教训。



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