
Reduction of deoxynivalenol during durum wheat processing and spaghetti cooking.


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The reduction of deoxynivalenol (DON) during durum wheat processing and spaghetti cooking was investigated in nine samples of durum wheat contaminated with DON under field conditions (either naturally contaminated or artificially inoculated with Fusarium) at levels ranging from 0.3 to 13.1 microg/g. A consistent reduction of DON levels was observed during each of the processing steps from uncleaned durum wheat to cooked spaghetti. With respect to the uncleaned wheat, the average levels of DON were 77% in cleaned wheat, 37% in semolina, 33% in spaghetti and 20% in cooked spaghetti, with relative standard deviations of 11%, 13%, 12% and 8%, respectively. Average DON levels in the screenings, bran and fine middlings were 4.1-, 1.6- and 0.6-fold, respectively, relative to the uncleaned wheat. DON was almost completely recovered from spaghetti after cooking, with a repartition between cooked spaghetti (without the corresponding DON amount from absorbed water) and cooking water generally in favour of the latter. An increased DON leaching into the cooking water was observed when a higher water to spaghetti ratio was used during cooking. This study strongly supports the basis of previous knowledge on DON distribution in durum wheat, semolina and pasta products, and concludes that the retention level of DON from grains on the market to cooked pasta in the plate can be conservatively assessed at 25% or less.
机译:在田间条件下(自然污染或人工接种镰刀菌)的9种硬粒小麦被DON污染后,硬粒小麦加工和意大利面煮制过程中脱氧雪腐烯醇(DON)的减少量为0.3到13.1 microg / g。从未清洗的硬质小麦到煮熟的意大利面,在每个加工步骤中都观察到DON含量持续降低。对于未清洗的小麦,DON的平均含量在清洗后的小麦中为77%,在粗面粉中为37%,在意大利面条中为33%,在煮熟的意大利面条中为20%,相对标准偏差为11%,13%,12%和8 %, 分别。相对于未清洗的小麦,筛查,麸皮和细小中麦的平均DON水平分别为4.1倍,1.6倍和0.6倍。 DON煮熟后几乎从意大利面条中完全回收,并且在煮熟的意大利面条(没有相应的DON吸收水分)和煮沸的意大利面条之间进行分配。当在烹饪过程中使用较高的水对意大利面条的比例时,观察到DON渗入烹饪水中的情况有所增加。这项研究有力地支持了关于硬粒小麦,粗面粉和面食产品中DON分布的先前知识的基础,并得出结论,从市场上的谷物到板中煮熟的面食,DON的保留水平可以保守地估计为25%或更低。



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