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Autonomous navigation of forest trails by an industrial-size robot.


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A commercially available tracked vehicle was modified to make it capable of autonomous operation in a forest environment. The vehicle, of 1364 kg mass (3000 lbs weight), was powered by a 22 kW (30 hp) diesel engine coupled to a hydraulic drive. For autonomous operation, the vehicle was equipped with shaft encoders on the drive wheels, a magnetic compass, three ultrasonic sensors, and a stereoscopic camera. Autonomous operation was enabled by hierarchical fuzzy logic controllers. Two controllers were considered. One controller used shaft encoder counts on the drive wheels, ultrasonic waveform echoes, the magnetic compass for heading, and training data to navigate a forest path. The other controller added stereoscopic vision and dispensed with the training data to reactively navigate the autonomous outdoor vehicle. The vehicle was equipped with GPS, but GPS was only used as an independent measure of vehicle performance in the autonomous mode. Tests using both controllers showed that the autonomous vehicle was able to reliably navigate several forest paths with lengths ranging from 229 to 430 m (750 to 1410 ft) without relying on GPS for navigation. These tests indicate that an industrial-size vehicle may be capable of performing useful forestry functions in an autonomous mode.
机译:对市售的履带车辆进行了改装,使其能够在森林环境中自主运行。这款车辆的重量为1364千克(3000磅),由一台22 kW(30 hp)的柴油发动机与液压驱动装置相连。为了实现自动驾驶,车辆在驱动轮上配备了轴编码器,磁罗盘,三个超声波传感器和一个立体摄像头。自治操作由分层模糊逻辑控制器启用。考虑了两个控制器。一个控制器使用轴编码器对驱动轮进行计数,超声波形回波,用于航向的磁罗盘以及用于导航森林路径的训练数据。另一个控制器增加了立体视觉,并省去了训练数据,以反应性地导航自动户外车辆。车辆配备了GPS,但GPS仅用作自主模式下车辆性能的独立度量。使用这两种控制器进行的测试表明,该自动驾驶汽车能够可靠地导航长度在229至430 m(750至1410 ft)范围内的多条森林小径,而无需依靠GPS进行导航。这些测试表明,工业尺寸的车辆可能能够以自主模式执行有用的林业功能。



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