首页> 外文期刊>Tierarztliche Praxis, Ausgabe G. GroBtiere >Comparison of novel infrared heating plates and conventional warm water plates for piglets' creep areas in farrowing pens

Comparison of novel infrared heating plates and conventional warm water plates for piglets' creep areas in farrowing pens


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Objective: On a conventionally managed piglet-producing farm, novel infrared (IR) heating plates for piglets in the farrowing pens were tested for their suitability and compared with common warm-water (WW) heating plates. Material and methods: In total, 134 litters (summer n = 82, winter n = 52) were investigated, which were housed on IR or WW heating plates, respectively, with or without an extra cover plate (groups 1-4). To determine the influence of the different heat sources, the wound healing after castration and tail docking, the umbilical regression and the weight gain of the piglets were investigated. Additionally, the lying behavior of the piglets and the position of the sows' udder at the time of farrowing were examined with regard to the heating plates. Furthermore, the energy consumption and costs were compared. Results: The piglets housed on IR heating plates displayed better wound healing after castration and tail docking than the piglets housed on WIN plates. The best results were obtained in piglets kept on IR heating plates with an extra cover plate. In addition, significant benefits were demonstrated for the usage of IR heating plates regarding umbilical regression. The piglets kept on IR heating plates had a slightly better weight gain in summer, whereas there were no differences between groups during winter. The lying behavior in the creep areas was similar in all groups. In general, with increasing age the percentage of time piglets spent in the lying position on the plates decreased. The percentage of time lying on the plates was higher in winter than in summer. At farrowing, 74.6% of all investigated sows directed their udder towards the heating plates. With the IR heating plates, this behavior occurred significantly more often. The energy consumption (kWh) per litter was significantly lower for the IR heating plates (electric power) both in winter and summer in comparison with the WW plates (gas). The energy costs were comparable in summer, but were higher for the IR heating plates in winter. Conclusion and clinical relevance: IR radiation of heating plates has a positive influence on wound healing after castration and tail docking as well as on umbilical regression. In addition, the lying behavior of sows at farrowing is influenced by the IR radiation. Despite the lower energy consumption of the IR heating plates, the most profitable system has to be determined individually for each farm.
机译:目的:在一个常规管理的仔猪生产场上,对产仔猪仔猪的新型红外(IR)加热板进行了适合性测试,并与普通的温水(WW)加热板进行了比较。材料和方法:总共调查了134窝垃圾(夏季n = 82,冬季n = 52),将它们分别容纳在IR或WW加热板上,带有或不带有额外的盖板(1-4组)。为了确定不同热源的影响,研究了去势和尾巴对接后的伤口愈合,脐带退化和仔猪的体重增加。另外,关于加热板检查了仔猪的卧卧行为和分娩时母猪乳房的位置。此外,比较了能源消耗和成本。结果:与在WIN板上饲养的仔猪相比,在IR加热板上饲养的仔猪在cast割和尾巴对接后显示出更好的伤口愈合。放在带有额外盖板的红外加热板上的仔猪可获得最佳结果。此外,在脐带热退热方面,红外加热板的使用也显示出显着的优势。保持在红外加热板上的仔猪在夏季的体重增加略好,而冬季之间两组之间没有差异。在所有组中,蠕变区域的躺卧行为相似。通常,随着年龄的增长,仔猪躺在平板上的卧姿时间所占的百分比降低。冬季躺在盘子上的时间百分比高于夏季。分娩时,所有被调查母猪中有74.6%将乳房朝加热板引导。使用红外加热板,这种现象的发生频率明显更高。与WW板(燃气)相比,冬季和夏季,IR加热板(电)每窝的能耗(kWh)明显较低。夏季的能源成本相当,但冬季的红外加热板的能源成本更高。结论和临床意义:加热板的红外辐射对去势和尾巴对接后的伤口愈合以及脐带退缩有积极影响。另外,分娩时母猪的躺卧行为受到红外辐射的影响。尽管红外加热板的能耗较低,但必须为每个农场单独确定最有利可图的系统。



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