首页> 外文期刊>Thrombosis and Haemostasis: Journal of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis >Dysregulated coagulation associated with hypofibrinogenaemia and plasma hypercoagulability: Implications for identifying coagulopathic mechanisms in humans

Dysregulated coagulation associated with hypofibrinogenaemia and plasma hypercoagulability: Implications for identifying coagulopathic mechanisms in humans


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Identifying coagulation abnormalities in patients with combined bleeding and thrombosis history is clinically challenging. Our goal was to probe the complexity of dysregulated coagulation in humans by characterizing pathophysiologic mechanisms in a patient with both bleeding and thrombosis. The patient is a 56-year-old female with a history of haematomas, poor wound healing, and thrombosis (retinal artery occlusion and transient cerebral ischaemia). She had a normal activated partial thromboplastin time, prolonged thrombin and reptilase times, and decreased functional and antigenic fibrinogen levels, and was initially diagnosed with hypodysfibrinogenaemia. This diagnosis was supported by DNA analysis revealing a novel FGB mutation (c.656A+ACY-gt+ADs-G) predicting a Q189R mutation in the mature chain that was present in the heterozygote state. However, turbidity analysis showed that purified fibrinogen polymerisation and degradation were indistinguishable from normal, and Bp chain subpopulations appeared normal by two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis, indicating the mutated chain was not secreted. Interestingly, plasma thrombin generation testing revealed the patient's thrombin generation was higher than normal and could be attributed to elevated levels of factor VIII (FVIII, 163-225+ACU-). Accordingly, in an arterial injury model, hypofibrinoge-naemic mice (Fgn+ADw-sup+AD4APA-/sup+AD4-) infused with factorVIII demonstrated significantly shorter vessel occlusion times than saline-infused Fgn+ADw-sup+AD4APA-/sup+AD4- mice.Together, these data associate the complex bleeding and thrombotic presentation with combined hypofibrinogenaemia plus plasma hypercoagulability. These findings suggest previous cases in which fibrinogen abnormalities have been associated with thrombosis may also be complicated by co-existing plasma hypercoagulability and illustrate the importance of global coagulation testing in patients with compound presentations.
机译:在合并出血和血栓形成病史的患者中鉴定凝血异常在临床上具有挑战性。我们的目标是通过表征出血和血栓形成患者的病理生理机制来探究人体凝血失调的复杂性。该患者是一名56岁的女性,有血肿史,伤口愈合不良和血栓形成(视网膜动脉阻塞和短暂性脑缺血)。她的部分凝血活酶激活时间正常,凝血酶和爬虫酶时间延长,功能性和抗原性纤维蛋白原水平降低,最初被诊断为血纤维蛋白原减少症。 DNA分析揭示了一种新的FGB突变(c.656A + ACY-gt + ADs-G),该突变预测了杂合子状态下成熟链中的Q189R突变,从而支持了该诊断。然而,浊度分析表明纯化的纤维蛋白原的聚合和降解与正常的没有区别,而Bp链亚群通过二维凝胶电泳差异显示为正常,这表明突变的链没有被分泌。有趣的是,血浆凝血酶生成测试显示患者的凝血酶生成高于正常水平,并且可能归因于VIII因子(FVIII,163-225 + ACU-)水平升高。因此,在动脉损伤模型中,输注因子VIII的低纤维蛋白血症小鼠(Fgn + ADw-sup + AD4APA- / sup + AD4-)表现出的血管闭塞时间明显短于盐水注入的Fgn + ADw-sup + AD4APA- / sup。 + AD4-小鼠。这些数据将复杂的出血和血栓形成与合并的低纤维蛋白原性贫血以及血浆高凝性联系在一起。这些发现表明,既往血浆纤维蛋白原异常与血栓形成相关的病例也可能因血浆高凝状态的共存而变得复杂,并说明了在有复合表现的患者中进行全面凝血试验的重要性。



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