首页> 外文期刊>The Review of Austrian Economics >On the hermeneutics debate: An introduction to a symposium on Don Lavoie's 'The Interpretive Dimension of Economics-Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxeology'

On the hermeneutics debate: An introduction to a symposium on Don Lavoie's 'The Interpretive Dimension of Economics-Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxeology'

机译:关于诠释学的辩论:唐·拉沃伊(Don Lavoie)的“经济学,科学,诠释学和人类学的解释性维度”座谈会简介

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Donald Lavoie is best known outside of Austrian economics for his work on the "socialist calculation debate."1 In his Rivalry and Central Planning (1985), published by Cambridge University Press, he argued that the traditional account of the debate over the possibility of rational economic calculation under socialism was incorrect. While it was widely argued that the Austrians lost that debate to the market socialists, Lavoie established that Lange and Lerner never really addressed Mises and Hayek's chief concerns. Rather than losing the debate, as Lavoie demonstrated, the Austrians actually won it. After Lavoie, it became impossible to maintain the standard account.
机译:唐纳德·拉沃伊(Donald Lavoie)因从事“社会主义计算辩论”而在奥地利经济学界广为人知。1在剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)出版的《竞争与中央计划》(Rivalry and Central Planning,1985年)中,他认为关于辩论可能性的传统论述社会主义的理性经济计算是不正确的。尽管有广泛的争议是奥地利人将这场辩论输给了市场社会主义者,但拉沃依认为,兰格和勒纳从未真正解决过米塞斯和哈耶克的主要问题。奥地利人并没有像拉沃伊所展示的那样输掉这场辩论,而是赢得了这场辩论。 Lavoie之后,就无法维护标准帐户。



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