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The economics of “Certaine Lewd and Ill-Disposed Persons”: Comment on Leeson


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In The Invisible Hook, Peter T. Leeson explores “the hidden economics of pirates.” The implications of his work are many, and there are several clear ways in which scholars can build on his insights. First, exploring piracy helps us better understand the rent-seeking societies of mercantilist Europe. Second, public and private policy toward pirates helps us better understand the institutions and organizations that emerge in order to govern and manage common resources. Third, the nearly universal condemnation of pirates by religious authorities and political leaders as well as the association of pirates with the demonic and satanic suggests further directions for research into the interactions between ideology, politics, and economic institutions.
机译:彼得·T·李森(Peter T. Leeson)在《看不见的钩子》中探讨了“海盗的隐藏经济学”。他的作品蕴含着许多涵义,学者可以通过几种清晰的方法来利用他的见解。首先,探索海盗行为有助于我们更好地了解重商主义欧洲的寻租社会。其次,针对海盗的公共和私人政策有助于我们更好地了解为治理和管理共同资源而出现的机构和组织。第三,宗教当局和政治领导人对海盗的普遍谴责,以及海盗与恶魔和撒旦的结盟,为研究意识形态,政治和经济制度之间的相互作用提供了进一步的指导。



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