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Mercury poisoning in a German shepherd dog


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MERCURY poisoning; is uncommon in domestic animals. It has been reported in calves, cats, ferrets, guinea pigs, horses, mice, mink, pigs, rats and rarely in dogs (Farrar and others 1994). Mercury is a naturally occurring element that exists in elemental, organic and inorganic forms. Approximately 80 per cent of the mercury released into the environment is metallic mercury, which comes from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, mining, smelting, and incineration of solid waste. Human beings and animals can be exposed to mercury through breathing mercury vapour, consuming fungicide-treated grain, or as a result of the improper use or disposal of mercury and mercury-containing objects. Consumption of contaminated fish is by far the most important source of ingestion-related mercury exposure in human beings. The most consistent signs of mercury intoxication in mammals are anorexia, hypothermia, neurological and renal dysfunction, gastrointestinal signs and shock (Farrar and others 1994). Mercury poisoning in domestic animals is most commonly related to the accidental consumption of obsolete products containing mercury (Ensley 2004). This short communication describes a case of mercury poisoning in a young pet dog.
机译:汞中毒;在家畜中很少见。据报道在牛犊,猫,雪貂,豚鼠,马,小鼠,貂,猪,大鼠中很少见到狗(Farrar等1994)。汞是天然存在的元素,以元素,有机和无机形式存在。释放到环境中的汞中大约80%是金属汞,其来自人类活动,例如燃烧化石燃料,开采,冶炼和焚化固体废物。人类和动物可通过呼吸汞蒸气,食用经过杀真菌剂处理的谷物或由于不当使用或处置汞和含汞物体而暴露于汞。迄今为止,食用受污染的鱼类是人类与摄入有关的汞暴露的最重要来源。哺乳动物中最常见的汞中毒症状是厌食症,体温过低,神经和肾功能不全,胃肠道症状和休克(Farrar等,1994)。家畜中的汞中毒最常见与意外食用含汞的过时产品有关(Ensley 2004)。这段简短的交流描述了一只年轻的宠物狗中汞中毒的案例。



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