首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >Making the use of maximal ideals constructive

Making the use of maximal ideals constructive


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The purpose of this paper is to decipher constructively a lemma of Suslin which played a central role in his second solution of Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings. This lemma says that for a commutative ring A if {v{sub}1(X),..., v{sub}n(X)} = A[X] where v{sub}1 is monic and n ≥ 3, then there exist γ{sub}1,..., γ{sub}l ∈ E{sub}(n-1)(A[X]) such that, denoting by ω{sub}i the first coordinate of γ{sub}it{sup left}(v{sub}2, ..., v{sub}n), we have = A. By the constructive proof we give, Suslin's proof of Serre's problem becomes fully constructive. Moreover, the new method with which we treat this academic example may be a model for miming constructively abstract proofs in which one works modulo a generic maximal ideal in order to prove that an ideal contains 1.
机译:本文的目的是建设性地解读Suslin的引理,该引理在他对多项式环上射影模数的Serre问题的第二种解决方案中起着核心作用。这个引理说,对于交换环A,如果{v {sub} 1(X),...,v {sub} n(X)} = A [X]其中v {sub} 1是一元且n≥3 ,则存在γ{sub} 1,...,γ{sub} l∈E {sub}(n-1)(A [X]),使得用ω{sub} i表示γ的第一个坐标{sub} it {supleft}(v {sub} 2,...,v {sub} n),我们有 =A。通过我们给出的构造性证明,Suslin对Serre问题的证明变得完全具有建设性。此外,我们用来处理此学术示例的新方法可能是一种用于对建设性抽象证明进行模仿的模型,在该模型中,一个人对通用最大理想进行模运算以证明一个理想包含1。



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