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Testing whether a digraph contains H-free k-induced subgraphs


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A subgraph induced by k vertices is called a k-induced subgraph. We prove that determining if a digraph G contains H-free k-induced subgraphs is Ω(N{sup}2)-evasive. Then we construct an ε-tester to test this property. (An ε-tester for a property ? is guaranteed to distinguish, with probability at least 2/3, between the case of G satisfying ? and the case of G being ε-far from satisfying ?.) The query complexity of the e-tester is independent of the size of the input digraph. An (ε, δ)-tester for a property ? is an e-tester for ? that is furthermore guaranteed to accept with probability at least 2/3 any input that is δ-close to satisfying 77. This paper presents an (ε, δ)-tester for whether a digraph contains H-free k-induced subgraphs.
机译:由k个顶点诱导的子图称为k诱导子图。我们证明确定有向图G是否包含无H的k诱导子图是Ω(N {sup} 2)规避。然后我们构造一个ε测试器来测试此属性。 (保证属性ε的ε测试器可以以至少2/3的概率区分G满足γ的情况和G远离满足ε的情况。)e-的查询复杂度测试器与输入图的大小无关。属性的(ε,δ)测试器?是的电子测试仪?此外,可以保证以至少2/3的概率接受δ接近满足77的任何输入。本文介绍了一种(ε,δ)测试器,用于确定有向图是否包含无H的k诱导子图。



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