首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >Arity hierarchy for temporal logics

Arity hierarchy for temporal logics


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A major result concerning temporal logics is Kamp's Theorem which states that the pair of modalities "until" and "since" is expressively complete for the first-order fragment of the monadic logic over the linear-time canonical model of naturals. The paper concerns the expressive power of temporal logics over trees. The main result states that in contrast to Kamp's Theorem, for every n there is a modality of arity n definable by a monadic logic formula, which is not equivalent over trees to any temporal logic formula which uses modalities of arity less than n. Its proof takes advantage of an instance of Shelah's composition theorem.This result has interesting corollaries, for instance reproving that CTL{sup}* and ECTL{sup}+ have no finite basis.
机译:关于时间逻辑的一个主要结果是坎普定理,该定理指出,在自然时间的线性时间标准模型上,单调逻辑的一阶片段的“直到”和“自”这对模态在表达上是完全的。本文涉及时间逻辑在树上的表达能力。主要结果表明,与坎普定理相反,对于每n个,都有一个单调逻辑公式可定义的奇偶校验n模态,这在树上并不等同于任何使用小于n的模态的时间逻辑公式。它的证明利用了Shelah合成定理的一个实例。该结果具有有趣的推论,例如证明CTL {sup} *和ECTL {sup} +没有有限的基础。



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