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World-set decompositions: Expressiveness and efficient algorithms


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Uncertain information is commonplace in real-world data management scenarios. The ability to represent large sets of possible instances (worlds) while supporting efficient storage and processing is an important challenge in this context. The recent formalism of world-set decompositions (WSDs) provides a space-efficient representation for uncertain data that also supports scalable processing. WSDs are complete for finite world-sets in that they can represent any finite set of possible worlds. For possibly infinite world-sets, we show that a natural generalization of WSDs precisely captures the expressive power of c-tables. We then show that several important problems are efficiently solvable on WSDs while they are NP-hard on c-tables. Finally, we give a polynomial-time algorithm for factorizing WSDs, i.e. an efficient algorithm for minimizing such representations.
机译:不确定的信息在现实世界中的数据管理方案中很常见。在这种情况下,在支持有效的存储和处理的同时表示大量可能的实例(世界)的能力是一项重要的挑战。世界集分解(WSD)的最新形式主义为不确定数据提供了节省空间的表示形式,该数据还支持可伸缩处理。 WSD对于有限的世界集是完整的,因为它们可以表示任何有限的可能世界集。对于可能无限的世界集,我们证明了WSD的自然归纳恰好抓住了c表的表达能力。然后,我们证明了几个重要的问题在WSD上都可以有效解决,而在c表上却是NP难题。最后,我们给出用于分解WSD的多项式时间算法,即用于最小化此类表示的有效算法。



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