首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >Group-strategyproof cost sharing mechanisms for makespan and other scheduling problems

Group-strategyproof cost sharing mechanisms for makespan and other scheduling problems


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Classical results in economics show that no truthful mechanism can achieve budget balance and efficiency simultaneously. Roughgarden and Sundararajan recently proposed an alternative efficiency measure, which was subsequently used to exhibit that many previously known cost sharing mechanisms approximate both budget balance and efficiency. In this work, we investigate cost sharing mechanisms for combinatorial optimization problems using this novel efficiency measure, with a particular focus on scheduling problems. Our contribution is threefold: First, for a large class of optimization problems that satisfy a certain cost-stability property, we prove that no budget balanced Moulin mechanism can approximate efficiency better than Ω(logn), where n denotes the number of players in the universe. Second, we present a group-strategyproof cost sharing mechanism for the minimum makespan scheduling problem that is tight with respect to budget balance and efficiency. Finally, we show a general lower bound on the budget balance factor for cost sharing methods, which can be used to prove a lower bound of Ω(n) on the budget balance factor for completion and flow time scheduling objectives.
机译:经济学的经典结果表明,没有任何一个真正的机制可以同时实现预算平衡和效率。 Roughgarden和Sundararajan最近提出了另一种效率衡量方法,该措施随后用于证明许多先前已知的成本分担机制都接近预算平衡和效率。在这项工作中,我们研究了使用这种新颖的效率测度的组合优化问题的成本分担机制,特别着重于调度问题。我们的贡献是三方面的:首先,对于满足一定成本稳定性的一大类优化问题,我们证明没有预算平衡的穆兰机制可以比Ω(logn)更好地近似效率,其中n表示参与者中的参与者数量。宇宙。其次,针对预算平衡和效率方面紧密的最小工期调度问题,我们提出了一种可防止组策略成本的机制。最后,我们为成本分摊方法显示了预算平衡因子的一般下限,可用于证明完成和流程时间调度目标的预算平衡因子的下限Ω(n)。



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