首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >An automata-theoretic approach to the word problem for omega-terms over R

An automata-theoretic approach to the word problem for omega-terms over R


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This paper studies the pseudovariety R of all finite R-trivial semigroups. We give a representation of pseudowords over R by infinite trees, called R-trees. Then we show that a pseudoword is an omega-term if and only if its associated tree is regular (i.e. it can be folded into a finite graph), or equivalently, if the w-term has a finite number of tails. We give a linear algorithm to compute a compact representation of the R-tree for omega-terms, which yields a linear solution of the word problem for omega-terms over R. We finally exhibit a basis for the omega-variety generated by R and we show that there is no finite basis. Several results can be compared to recent work of Bloom and Choffrut on long words. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了所有有限R平凡半群的伪变种R。我们用称为R树的无限树来表示R上的伪字。然后我们证明伪单词是一个欧米伽项,前提是且仅当其关联的树是规则树(即可以折叠成有限图)时,或者等价于w项具有有限数目的尾巴。我们给出了一个线性算法来计算R-树对于Ω项的紧凑表示,这产生了R上Ω项的单词问题的线性解。最后,我们为R和我们证明没有有限的基础。可以将一些结果与Bloom和Choffrut的近期工作进行比较。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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