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Query-competitive algorithms for cheapest set problems under uncertainty


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Considering the model of computing under uncertainty where element weights are uncertain but can be obtained at a cost by query operations, we study the problem of identifying a cheapest (minimum-weight) set among a given collection of feasible sets using a minimum number of queries of element weights. For the general case we present an algorithm that makes at most d . OPT + d queries, where d is the maximum cardinality of any given set and OPT is the optimal number of queries needed to identify a cheapest set. For the minimum multi-cut problem in trees with d terminal pairs, we give an algorithm that makes at most d . OPT + 1 queries. For the problem of computing a minimum-weight base of a given matroid, we give an algorithm that makes at most 2 OPT queries, generalizing a known result for the minimum spanning tree problem. For each of the above algorithms we give matching lower bounds. We also settle the complexity of the verification version of the general cheapest set problem and the minimum multi-cut problem in trees under uncertainty. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:考虑到不确定性下的计算模型,其中元素权重不确定,但可以通过查询操作以一定成本获得,因此,我们研究了使用最少数量的查询在给定的可行集集合中确定最便宜(最小权重)集的问题元素权重。对于一般情况,我们提出一种算法,该算法最多使d。 OPT + d查询,其中d是任何给定集合的最大基数,OPT是识别最便宜集合所需的最佳查询数。对于具有d个终端对的树中的最小多割问题,我们给出了一个使d最多的算法。 OPT + 1个查询。对于计算给定拟阵的最小权重基数的问题,我们给出了一种算法,该算法最多进行2个OPT查询,从而将最小生成树问题的已知结果归纳为一个整体。对于上述每种算法,我们给出匹配的下限。我们还解决了不确定性树中一般最便宜集问题和最小多割问题的验证版本的复杂性。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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