首页> 外文期刊>The Quekett journal of microscopy >A botanical micro-slide library of Raymond Decary at the Herbarium of Paris (P): some remarks on a recent recovery

A botanical micro-slide library of Raymond Decary at the Herbarium of Paris (P): some remarks on a recent recovery

机译:巴黎植物标本室的雷蒙德·德卡瑞(Raymond Decary)植物微幻灯片库:关于近期复苏的一些评论

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Raymond Decary (Fig.1) worked as a colonial administrator in Madagascar between the two World Wars, gathering during his rounds and on some special missions as official representative of the Muséum, numerous collections, relevant for both natural history and for ethnology (Balard 2003). The total of his botanical specimens - all kept at P - comes to 58,000 sheets, including 19,390 collection numbers and 160 unnumbered sheets (Decary 1960).
机译:雷蒙德·戴卡瑞(Raymond Decary)(图1)在两次世界大战之间曾在马达加斯加担任殖民地行政官,在他的回合中集会,并作为博物馆的官方代表进行了一些特殊任务,收集了许多与自然历史和民族学有关的藏品(Balard,2003年) )。他的植物标本的总数-全部保持为P-共计58,000张,其中包括19,390张收藏编号和160张未编号的纸张(1960年12月)。



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