首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of emergency medicine >Confidence intervals and adjusted odds ratios: a commend on interpreting the results of Killip classification and glucose levels.

Confidence intervals and adjusted odds ratios: a commend on interpreting the results of Killip classification and glucose levels.


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I have read with great pleasure the letters by Lina et al [1] and Cheng [2] about the article investigating the relationship between Killip classification and glucose levels in patients with acute myocardial infarction by Cheng and Yen [3]. Lina et al [1] claimed that the width confidence intervals (CIs) of glucose levels of Killip classes make the difference insignificant despite significant result by 1-way analysis of variance, and Cheng [2] accepted this claim and stated that it could be due to the limited sample size. However, the statistical significance by CIs is calculated whether the difference between 2 means includes zero; and when we look at the glucose levels of Killip class 1 (186.8 +- 82.5) and Killip class 4 (236.2 +- 115.5), we get a difference of 49.4 with a 95% CI of 19.4 to 79.4, which has a P value of .0014. This P value is significant even with the Bonferroni correction. So, the statistical significance of differences between 2 means calculated by CIs is not related to the width of the Clbut the CI of differences including zero or not.
机译:我非常高兴地阅读了Lina等人[1]和Cheng [2]的来信,该文章探讨了Cheng和Yen [3]研究急性心肌梗死患者Killip分类与血糖水平之间的关系。 Lina等人[1]声称,尽管通过方差单向分析得出了显着结果,但Killip类葡萄糖水平的宽度置信区间(CIs)使得差异不显着,Cheng [2]接受了这一主张,并指出可以由于样本量有限。但是,通过CI的统计显着性是计算2个均值之差是否包括零;当我们观察基利普1级(186.8 +-82.5)和基利普4级(236.2 +-115.5)的葡萄糖水平时,我们得到49.4的差异,其95%CI为19.4至79.4,具有P值的.0014。即使使用Bonferroni校正,此P值也很重要。因此,由CIs计算的2个均值之间的差异的统计显着性与Cl的宽度无关,但是差异的CI包括零。



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