首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition >Evidence of altered central nervous system development in infants with iron deficiency anemia at 6 mo: delayed maturation of auditory brainstem responses.

Evidence of altered central nervous system development in infants with iron deficiency anemia at 6 mo: delayed maturation of auditory brainstem responses.


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Iron deficiency anemia has long been thought to have effects on the central nervous system (CNS). Finding direct evidence of this in human infants, however, has been challenging. Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) provide a noninvasive means of examining an aspect of the CNS that is rapidly maturing during the age period when iron deficiency is most common. ABRs represent the progressive activation of the auditory pathway from the acoustic nerve (wave I) to the lateral lemniscus (wave V). The central conduction time (CCT, or wave I-V interpeak latency) is considered an index of CNS development because myelination of nerve fibers and maturation of synaptic relays lead to an exponential reduction in the CCT from birth to 24 mo. In 55 otherwise healthy, 6-mo-old Chilean infants (29 with iron deficiency anemia and 26 nonanemic control infants), the CCT was longer in those who had been anemic at 6 mo, with differences becoming more pronounced at 12- and 18-mo follow-ups despite effective iron therapy. The pattern of results--differences in latencies but not amplitudes, more effects on the late ABR components (waves III and V), and longer CCTs (as an overall measure of nerve conduction velocity)--suggested altered myelination as a promising explanation, consistent with recent laboratory work documenting iron's essential role in myelin formation and maintenance. This study shows that iron deficiency anemia in 6-mo-old infants is associated with adverse effects on at least one aspect of CNS development and suggests the fruitfulness of studying other processes that are rapidly myelinating during the first 2 y of life.
机译:长期以来,人们一直认为缺铁性贫血会对中枢神经系统(CNS)产生影响。然而,在人类婴儿中找到直接的证据一直是挑战。听性脑干反应(ABR)提供了一种非侵入性方法,可检查在铁缺乏最常见的年龄段中迅速成熟的CNS方面。 ABR代表听觉通路从听神经(第I波)到侧脑膜炎(第V波)的逐步激活。中枢传导时间(CCT或I-V波峰间潜伏期)被视为中枢神经系统发育的指标,因为神经纤维的髓鞘化和突触中继的成熟会导致从出生到24 mo的CCT呈指数下降。在55例健康的6个月大的智利婴儿中(29名缺铁性贫血和26例非贫血的对照婴儿),在6个月贫血的患儿的CCT更长,差异在12和18岁时更为明显。尽管有有效的铁疗法,但仍进行随访。结果的模式-延迟差异而不是幅度差异,对晚期ABR分量的更多影响(III和V波)以及更长的CCT(作为神经传导速度的整体指标)-建议改变髓鞘形成是有希望的解释,与最近的实验室工作证明铁在髓磷脂形成和维持中的重要作用相一致。这项研究表明,6个月大婴儿的缺铁性贫血与中枢神经系统发育的至少一个方面的不良反应有关,并且表明研究生命中前2年迅速发生髓鞘化的其他过程的成果。



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