
Memories of Miguel


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Ed Huskinson introduced me to mineral collecting in 1977 and suggested that, since I was doing work on my Masters thesis right across the highway from the mineral-rich Santa Eulalia district, I should focus my collecting efforts there. Ed introduced me to Miguel Romero as the ultimate Mexican locality collector at Tucson in 1978 and we began a friendship that lasted for life. I was clearly a competitor for specimens, at least with respect to Santa Eulalia, but that couldn't have mattered less to Miguel and he encouraged my interest from the beginning. And I quickly learned that Miguel had a silver tongue when I found myself agreeing to sell him things (from localities other than Santa Eulalia) that I would otherwise have kept. He always refused my offers of discounts, though, noting that I was a starving student with important work to do. I keep a picture of Miguel on one of my exhibit cases to remind me to keep my focus to the south.
机译:埃德·赫斯金森(Ed Huskinson)于1977年向我介绍了矿物收集工作,并建议,由于我是在矿物资源丰富的圣塔尤拉利娅区(Santa Eulalia)高速公路对面的高速公路上从事硕士论文工作的,因此我应该集中精力进行收集工作。埃德(Ed)于1978年在图森(Tucson)向我介绍了米格尔·罗梅罗(Miguel Romero),他是墨西哥的终极本地收藏家,我们开始了持续一生的友谊。我显然是标本的竞争者,至少就圣尤拉利娅而言,但这对Miguel没什么大不了的,他从一开始就鼓励我的兴趣。当我发现自己同意卖给他(从圣塔尤拉利娅以外的其他地方)卖给他的东西时,我很快就知道米格尔有个白痴的舌头。不过,他总是拒绝我的折扣提议,并指出我是一位渴望做重要工作的饥饿学生。我在其中一个展览柜上保留了Miguel的照片,以提醒我将注意力集中在南方。



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