首页> 外文期刊>The new bioethics: A multidisciplinary journal of biotechnology and the body >'To arrive where we started,and know the place for the first time':Heidegger, Phenomenology, the Way Human Beings First Appear in the World, and Fresh Perspectives on the Abortion Debate

'To arrive where we started,and know the place for the first time':Heidegger, Phenomenology, the Way Human Beings First Appear in the World, and Fresh Perspectives on the Abortion Debate


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Intellectual stalemate in the abortion debate can be traced in part to its being framed as a standoff between religion and secular philosophy. While the former is thought to generate a broadly 'pro-life' position, the latter is associated with more 'pro-choice' thinking. This essay attempts to break free of this framing by criticising the philosophy informing 'pro-choice' positions, but not by resorting immediately to religious arguments but rather by drawing upon a rival philosophical tradition - the movement within twentieth and twenty-first Continental philosophy which was and is phenomenology. A phenomenological approach to human 'emergence', and in particular an application of the framework Heidegger developed in Being and Time (1927), leads to a radical questioning of whether contemporary English-speaking beginning-of-life ethics have adequately taken into account the way human beings come forth in the world.



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