首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physics and chemistry of solids >Beat excitation of terahertz radiation in a semiconductor slab in a magnetic field

Beat excitation of terahertz radiation in a semiconductor slab in a magnetic field


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Two infrared lasers of frequencies ω _1 and ω _2 propagating in the TM/TE mode along z○ direction in a rippled density semiconductor waveguide are shown to resonantly excite terahertz radiation at the beat frequency when ripple wave number is suitably chosen to satisfy the phase matching. The wave vector of the density ripple is along the direction of laser propagation while a static magnetic field is applied transverse to it. The lasers exert a ponderomotive force on the electrons at the beat frequency. This force, in the presence of density ripple and transverse magnetic field, produces a nonlinear current at the terahertz frequency. The magnetic field enhances the amplitude of the terahertz wave. However terahertz yield is significantly higher in the TM mode laser beating than in the TE mode laser beating.
机译:当适当选择脉动波数以满足相位匹配时,在波纹密度半导体波导中沿z○方向以TM / TE模式在z /方向传播的两个频率为ω_1和ω_2的红外激光器以太赫兹辐射共振激发太赫兹辐射。 。密度纹波的波矢量沿着激光传播的方向,而横向施加静​​态磁场。激光以拍频在电子上施加质子势。在存在密度纹波和横向磁场的情况下,该力会以太赫兹频率产生非线性电流。磁场会增强太赫兹波的振幅。但是,TM模式激光打浆中的太赫兹产率要比TE模式激光打浆中的太赫兹产率高得多。



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