首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics: Official Publication of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics >Opioid and Cannabinoid Modulation of Precipitated Withdrawal in #DELTA#~9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Morphine-Dependent Mice

Opioid and Cannabinoid Modulation of Precipitated Withdrawal in #DELTA#~9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Morphine-Dependent Mice


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The goal of the present study was to elucidate the relationship between cannabinoid and opioid systems in drug dependence. The CB_1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR 141716A precipitated both paw tremors and head shakes in four different mouse strains that were treated repeatedly with #DELTA#~9-tetrahydrocannabinol (#DELTA#~9-THC). SR 141716A-precipitated #DELTA#~9-THC withdrawal was ameliorated in #mu#-opioid receptor knockout mice compared with the wild-type control animals and failed to occur in mice devoid of CB_1 cannabinoid receptors. An acute injection of morphine in #DELTA#~9-THC-dependent mice undergoing SR 141716 A-precipitated withdrawal dose dependently decreased both paw tremors, antagonist does 50 (AD_(50))(95% CL) = 0.035 (0.03-0.04), and head shakes, AD_(50) (95% CL) = 0.07 (0.04-0.12). In morphine-dependent mice, the opioid antagonist naloxone precipitated head shakes, paw tremors, diarrhea, and jumping. As previously reported, naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal failed to occur in #mu#-opioid knockout mice and was significantly decreased in CB_1 cannabinoid receptor knockout mice. Acute treatment of #DELTA#~9-THC in morphinedependent mice undergoing naloxone-precipitated withdrawal blocked paw tremors, AD_(50) (95% CL) = 0.5 (0.3-1.0), and head shakes AD_(50) (95% CL) = 0.6 (0.57-0.74) in dose-dependent manners, but failed to diminish the occurrence of diarrhea or jumping. Finally, naloxone and SR 141716A failed to elicit any overt effects in #DELTA#~9-THC-dependent and morphine-dependent mice, respectively. These findings taken together indicate that the #mu#-opioid receptor plays a modulatory role in cannabinoid dependence, thus implicating a reciprocal relationship between the cannabinoid and opioid systems in dependence.
机译:本研究的目的是阐明药物依赖性中大麻素和阿片类药物系统之间的关系。 CB_1大麻素受体拮抗剂SR 141716A在用#DELTA#〜9-四氢大麻酚(#DELTA#〜9-THC)重复治疗的四种不同小鼠品系中引起了脚部震颤和头部震动。与野生型对照动物相比,#mu#-阿片受体敲除小鼠中SR 141716A沉淀的#DELTA#〜9-THC撤离得到改善,并且在没有CB_1大麻素受体的小鼠中未发生。在经历SR 141716 A沉淀戒断剂量的#DELTA#〜9-THC依赖性小鼠中急性注射吗啡可降低两种爪震颤,拮抗剂可引起50(AD_(50))(95%CL)= 0.035(0.03-0.04) )和摇头,AD_(50)(95%CL)= 0.07(0.04-0.12)。在吗啡依赖性小鼠中,阿片样物质拮抗剂纳洛酮使人摇头,爪震颤,腹泻和跳跃。如先前报道,纳洛酮沉淀的吗啡戒断在#mu#阿片类药物敲除小鼠中未发生,而在CB_1大麻素受体敲除小鼠中显着降低。急性治疗吗啡依赖性小鼠的纳洛酮沉淀戒断后#DELTA#〜9-THC会阻塞爪子震颤,AD_(50)(95%CL)= 0.5(0.3-1.0)和头摇AD_(50)(95%CL )= 0.6(0.57-0.74)(剂量依赖性),但未能减少腹泻或跳跃的发生。最后,纳洛酮和SR 141716A未能分别在#DELTA#〜9-THC依赖性和吗啡依赖性小鼠中引起任何明显的作用。这些发现合在一起表明,#mu#-阿片样物质受体在大麻素依赖性中起调节作用,因此暗示了大麻素和阿片样物质系统之间的依赖性相互关系。



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