首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Infectious Diseases >Antigenic Drift in the Ligand Domain of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein Confers Resistance to Inhibitory Antibodies.

Antigenic Drift in the Ligand Domain of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein Confers Resistance to Inhibitory Antibodies.


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Interaction of the Duffy binding protein (DBP) with its erythrocyte receptor is critical for maintaining Plasmodium vivax blood-stage infections, making DBP an appealing vaccine candidate. The cysteine-rich region II is the ligand domain of DBP and a target of vaccine development. Interestingly, most of the allelic diversity observed in DBP is due to the high rate of nonsynonymous polymorphisms in this critical domain for receptor recognition. Similar to the hypervariability in influenza hemagglutinin, this pattern of polymorphisms in the DBP ligand domain suggests that this variation is a mechanism to evade antibody neutralization. To evaluate the role that dbp allelic diversity plays in strain-specific immunity, we examined the ability of an anti-Sal1 DBP serum to inhibit the erythrocyte-binding function of variant dbp alleles expressed on COS cells. We observed that the PNG-7.18 allele was significantly less sensitive to immune inhibition of its erythrocyte-binding activity than were the Sal1 and PNG-27.16 alleles. This result suggested that the unique polymorphisms of resistant PNG-7.18 were part of a protective epitope on the DBP ligand. To confirm this, Sal1 was converted to the refractory phenotype by introduction of 3 polymorphisms unique to PNG-7.18, via site-directed mutagenesis. The results of the present study indicate that linked polymorphisms have an additive, synergistic effect on DBP antigenic character.
机译:Duffy结合蛋白(DBP)与它的红细胞受体的相互作用对于维持间日疟原虫血液阶段感染至关重要,这使DBP成为有吸引力的候选疫苗。富含半胱氨酸的区域II是DBP的配体域,是疫苗开发的目标。有趣的是,在DBP中观察到的大多数等位基因多样性是由于在该关键域中受体识别的非同义多态性比率很高。与流感血凝素的高变异性相似,DBP配体域中的这种多态性模式表明,这种变异是逃避抗体中和的机制。为了评估dbp等位基因多样性在菌株特异性免疫中的作用,我们研究了抗Sal1 DBP血清抑制COS细胞上表达的dbp等位基因的红细胞结合功能的能力。我们观察到,与Sal1和PNG-27.16等位基因相比,PNG-7.18等位基因对免疫抑制其红细胞结合活性的敏感性显着降低。该结果表明抗性PNG-7.18的独特多态性是DBP配体上保护性表位的一部分。为了证实这一点,通过定点诱变,通过引入PNG-7.18特有的3种多态性,将Sal1转化为难治性表型。本研究的结果表明,连锁多态性对DBP抗原性具有累加的协同作用。



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