首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >A shift in the phenotype of melan-A-specific CTL identifies melanoma patients with an active tumor-specific immune response.

A shift in the phenotype of melan-A-specific CTL identifies melanoma patients with an active tumor-specific immune response.


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In a significant proportion of melanoma patients, CTL specific for the melan-A(26/7-35) epitope can be detected in peripheral blood using HLA-A2/peptide tetramers. However, the functional capacity of these CTL has been controversial, since although they prove to be effective killers after in vitro expansion, in some patients they have blunted activation responses ex vivo. We used phenotypic markers to characterize melan-A tetramer(+) cells in both normal individuals and melanoma patients, and correlated these markers with ex vivo assays of CTL function. Melanoma patients with detectable melan-A tetramer(+) cells in peripheral blood fell into two groups. Seven of thirteen patients had a CCR7(+) CD45R0(-) CD45RA(+) phenotype, the same as that found in some healthy controls, and this phenotype was associated with a lack of response to melan-A peptide ex vivo. In the remaining six patients, melan-A tetramer(+) cells were shifted toward a CCR7(-) CD45R0(+) CD45RA(-) phenotype, and responses to melan-A peptide could be readily demonstrated ex vivo. When lymph nodes infiltrated by melan-A-expressing melanoma cells were examined, a similar dichotomy emerged. These findings demonstrate that activation of melan-A-specific CTL occurs in only some patients with malignant melanoma, and that only patients with such active immune responses are capable of responding to Ag in ex vivo assays.
机译:在很大比例的黑色素瘤患者中,可以使用HLA-A2 /肽四聚体在外周血中检测到针对黑色素A(26 / 7-35)表位的特异性CTL。但是,这些CTL的功能能力一直存在争议,因为尽管它们在体外扩增后被证明是有效的杀手,但在某些患者中,它们的离体激活反应却变得迟钝。我们使用表型标记来表征正常人和黑色素瘤患者的黑色素A四聚体(+)细胞,并将这些标记物与CTL功能的离体测定相关联。黑色素瘤患者外周血中可检测到的黑色素A四聚体(+)细胞分为两组。 13位患者中有7位具有CCR7(+)CD45R0(-)CD45RA(+)表型,与某些健康对照中的表型相同,并且该表型与离体对黑素A肽缺乏应答有关。在其余六名患者中,黑色素-A四聚体(+)细胞向CCR7(-)CD45R0(+)CD45RA(-)表型转移,并且对黑色素-A肽的反应很容易在体外证实。检查表达黑色素A的黑色素瘤细胞浸润的淋巴结时,出现了类似的二分法。这些发现表明,仅在一些恶性黑色素瘤患者中发生了黑色素A特异性CTL的激活,并且只有具有这种主动免疫反应的患者才能在离体试验中对Ag产生反应。



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