首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Light and electron microscopic study of corticorubral synapses in adult cat: evidence for extensive synaptic remodeling during postnatal development.

Light and electron microscopic study of corticorubral synapses in adult cat: evidence for extensive synaptic remodeling during postnatal development.


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Spine-like dendritic protrusions (SLDPs) emanating from developing dendrites have been proposed to play an important role in early synaptogenesis. We previously analyzed synaptic termination sites on soma-dendritic membrane of newborn cats and found that corticorubral (CR) axons form synapses preferentially on SLDPs (Saito et al., 1997). In the present study, we examined CR synapses in adult cats to elucidate the maturation process of CR synapses in relation to SLDPs. Electron microscopic observation of serial thin sections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin-labeled axons revealed that approximately 60% of CR terminals in adult cats formed synapses on dendritic spines. We also found that CR axons terminate on dendritic spines originating from the intermediate or distal dendrites of rubrospinal cells (more than 200 microm apart from the soma), in contrast to kittens in which CR fibers terminate on SLDPs originating from the proximal dendrites (less than 100 microm apart from the soma) of rubrospinal cells (Saito et al. [1997] J. Neurosci. 17:8792-8803). These results suggest that CR synapses undergo remarkable remodeling after initial termination on SLDP during postnatal development. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:已经提出了从发育中的树突发出的脊柱样树突状突起(SLDPs)在早期突触形成中起重要作用。我们先前分析了新生猫的体树突状细胞膜上的突触终止位点,发现皮质单核(CR)轴突优先在SLDP上形成突触(Saito等,1997)。在本研究中,我们检查了成年猫的CR突触,以阐明CR突触相对于SLDP的成熟过程。电镜观察菜豆-白细胞凝集素标记的轴突的连续薄片显示,成年猫中约60%的CR末端在树突棘上形成突触。我们还发现,CR轴突终止于树突棘终止于树突棘,而树突棘起源于红松棘细胞的中间或远端树突(距躯体200微米以上),而小猫的CR纤维终止于源自近端树突的SLDPs(少于脊髓神经细胞距躯体100微米(Saito等人,[1997] J.Neurosci.17:8792-8803)。这些结果表明,CR突触在出生后发育过程中在SLDP初始终止后经历了显着的重塑。版权所有2001 Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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