首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Expression of androgen receptor mRNA in the brain of Gekko gecko: implications for understanding the role of androgens in controlling auditory and vocal processes.

Expression of androgen receptor mRNA in the brain of Gekko gecko: implications for understanding the role of androgens in controlling auditory and vocal processes.


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The neuroanatomical distribution of androgen receptor (AR) mRNA-containing cells in the brain of a vocal lizard, Gekko gecko, was mapped using in situ hybridization. Particular attention was given to auditory and vocal nuclei. Within the auditory system, the cochlear nuclei, the central nucleus of the torus semicircularis, the nucleus medialis, and the medial region of the dorsal ventricular ridge contained moderate numbers of labeled neurons. Neurons labeled with the AR probe were located in many nuclei related to vocalization. Within the hindbrain, the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, the vagal part of the nucleus ambiguus, and the dosal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve contained many neurons that exhibited strong expression of AR mRNA. Neurons located in the peripheral nucleus of the torus in the mesencephalon exhibited moderate levels of hybridization. Intense AR mRNA expression was also observed in neurons within two other areas that may be involved in vocalization, the medial preoptic area and the hypoglossal nucleus. The strongest mRNA signals identified in this study were found in cells of the pallium, hypothalamus, and inferior nucleus of the raphe. The expression patterns of AR mRNA in the auditory and vocal control nuclei of G. gecko suggest that neurons involved in acoustic communication in this species, and perhaps related species, are susceptible to regulation by androgens during the breeding season. The significance of these results for understanding the evolution of reptilian vocal communication is discussed.
机译:使用原位杂交绘制了声带蜥蜴Gekko壁虎大脑中含雄激素受体(AR)mRNA的细胞的神经解剖分布。特别注意听觉和声带。在听觉系统内,耳蜗核,半圆环中央核,内侧核以及背侧脑室ridge内侧区域包含适量的标记神经元。用AR探针标记的神经元位于与发声相关的许多核中。在后脑内,三叉神经的中脑核,歧核的迷走神经部分以及迷走神经的背运动神经核包含许多表现出AR mRNA强表达的神经元。位于中脑圆环周围核的神经元表现出中等程度的杂交。在其他两个可能与发声有关的区域,即视前内侧区域和舌下神经核中,神经元中也观察到了强烈的AR mRNA表达。在这项研究中鉴定出的最强mRNA信号是在缝质的睑板,下丘脑和下核中发现的。壁虎的听觉和声带控制核中AR mRNA的表达方式表明,在繁殖季节,该物种以及可能与之相关的物种中,参与声通信的神经元易受雄激素的调节。讨论了这些结果对于理解爬虫类人声交流的重要性。



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