首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of communicable diseases >Short Communication Impact of Training Workshop on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices About HIV/AIDS among Class IV Employees at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Loni in Rural Maharashtra

Short Communication Impact of Training Workshop on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices About HIV/AIDS among Class IV Employees at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Loni in Rural Maharashtra


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In India 2.5 million people are living with HIV, accounting for 13% of glohal HIV infection with national adult prevalence of 0.36%. Ever since HIV was first identified in India among sex workers in Chennai during 1986, HIV infections have been reported in various parts of the country. The pattern of the HIV epidemic in India varies from region to region. HTV prevalence is highest in the south (Maharashtra, Kamataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh) where sexual transmission is dominant and in the north-east (Manipur and Nagaland) where injecting drug use is the most common route of infection. In these regions, HIV prevalence in the general population has exceeded 1 per cent. Class IV employees working in hospitals are at a higher risk and are exposed tel accidental needle stick or sharp injuries. Class IV employees include attendants, ward hoys and sweepers. There are studies assessing HIV-related knowledge and attitudes among Health Care Workers in India, but all were conducted in large urban hospitals.
机译:在印度,有250万人感染了艾滋病毒,占全球艾滋病总感染率的13%,全国成年人感染率为0.36%。自1986年在印度钦奈的性工作者中首次发现艾滋病毒以来,该国各地都有艾滋病毒感染的报道。印度的艾滋病毒流行方式因地区而异。 HTV流行率最高的是南部(马哈拉施特拉邦,Kamataka,泰米尔纳德邦和安得拉邦),那里是性传播途径,而东北部(Manipur和那加兰邦)则是注射毒品是最常见的感染途径。在这些地区,艾滋病毒在普通人群中的流行率已超过1%。在医院工作的IV级员工面临更高的风险,并且可能遭受意外的针刺刺伤或严重伤害。 IV级员工包括服务员,病房和扫地机。有研究评估了印度医护人员中与艾滋病毒有关的知识和态度,但所有研究都是在大型城市医院进行的。



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