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Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness.


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Joseph Fins's book Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness (Cambridge UP, 2015) is a considerable addition to the literature on disorders of consciousness and the murky area of minimally conscious states. Fins brings to this fraught area of clinical practice and neuroethical analysis a series of stories and reflections resulting in a pressing and sustained ethical challenge both to clinicians and to health care systems. The challenge is multifaceted, with diagnostic and therapeutic demands to be met by clinicians and a mix of moral, scientific-economic, and political resonances for health care analysts. Everything in the book resonates with my own clinical experience and the often messy and emotionally wrenching business of providing ongoing care for patients with severe brain injuries and disorders, people who frequently resist the categorizations that well-organized health care systems prefer and that can dictate terms of patient management.
机译:约瑟夫·芬斯(Joseph Fins)的著作《权利要注意:脑损伤,道德和意识斗争》(剑桥,2015年)是关于意识障碍和最低意识状态的阴暗领域的文献的重要补充。 Fins在临床实践和神经伦理学分析这个充满生机的领域带来了一系列故事和反思,从而给临床医生和医疗保健系统带来了迫切而持续的伦理挑战。挑战是多方面的,临床医生必须满足诊断和治疗的要求,并且需要卫生保健分析人员在道德,科学经济和政治上进行共鸣。这本书中的所有内容都与我自己的临床经验以及经常为那些严重脑损伤和疾病的患者提供持续护理的混乱而令人费解的业务产生共鸣,这些患者经常抵制组织良好的医疗保健系统偏爱的分类,并且可以决定术语病人管理。



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