首页> 外文期刊>The Japanese journal of physiology >Extensive Skinning of Cell Membrane Diminishes the Force-Inhibiting Effect of Okadaic Acid on Smooth Muscles of Guinea Pig Hepatic Portal Vein.

Extensive Skinning of Cell Membrane Diminishes the Force-Inhibiting Effect of Okadaic Acid on Smooth Muscles of Guinea Pig Hepatic Portal Vein.


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The influences of cell membrane permeabilization (skinning) on the okadaic acid-induced inhibition of vascular smooth muscle contraction were studied in guinea pig hepatic portal vein. Pretreatment by 1 &mgr;M okadaic acid in the absence of Ca(2+) suppressed subsequent submaximal Ca(2+)-induced contraction in preparations permeabilized with Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin or beta-escin, but not in those treated with saponin or Triton X-100. The SDS-PAGE of elutants from the preparation suggests that the loss of the inhibitory effect of okadaic acid in preparations skinned with saponin or Triton X-100 results from the leakage of some cellular components with a molecular mass of 67 to 200 kDa.
机译:研究了豚鼠肝门静脉中细胞膜通透性(结皮)对冈田酸诱导的血管平滑肌收缩抑制作用的影响。在没有Ca(2+)的情况下用1 mg冈田酸进行的预处理抑制了金黄色葡萄球菌α-毒素或β-七叶素通透的制剂中随后的最大Ca(2+)诱导的收缩,但在用皂苷或海卫一X-100。制剂的洗脱液的SDS-PAGE表明,皂苷或Triton X-100皮肤制剂中冈田酸的抑制作用丧失是由于某些分子量为67至200 kDa的细胞成分泄漏所致。



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