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Research productivity patterns in the organizational behavior and human resource management literature


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Closely following the analysis approach used for similar studies in the economics and finance literature, we present the first study to examine if there exists an empirical regularity in the bibliometric patterns of research productivity in the organizational behavior (OB) and human resource management (HRM) literature. Our results present strong evidence that there indeed exists a distinct empirical regularity. It is the so-called Generalized Lotka's Law of scientific productivity pattern: The number of authors publishing n papers is about 1(c) of those publishing one paper. The observed pattern in the OB and HRM area is interestingly very consistent with those in much older, related business disciplines.
机译:紧跟在经济学和金融文献中用于相似研究的分析方法之后,我们提出了第一项研究,以检验组织行为(OB)和人力资源管理(HRM)中研究生产率的文献计量模式是否存在经验规律性文学。我们的结果提供了强有力的证据,表明确实存在明显的经验规律性。这就是所谓的科学生产率模式的广义洛特卡定律:发表n篇论文的作者人数大约是发表一篇论文的作者的n / c。有趣的是,在OB和HRM区域中观察到的模式与更老的相关业务学科中的模式非常一致。



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