
From south wigston to south luangwa


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'I'm suffering chifini,' says my patient. Chifini? I'm stumped already. He's my first patient at a small rural clinic in a remote region of Zambia and it's the first day of a U month sabbatical away from my urban practice in Leicester. Is this the Nyanja word for worms? Or perhaps he's referring to his HIV infection, or malaria, or TB. I've done my homework and my smartphone is loaded with apps on tropical medicine. I'm primed to administer exotic drugs like Coartem~R, praziquantel, efavirenz.I find a nurse and she kindly translates for me. Chifini, she says, means sneezing. He has a cold. Chifini. How beautifully onomatopoeic but also, how reassuring. Twenty-three years in UK general practice means I've had some experience in upper respiratory symptoms. I hadn't expected to be on such familiar ground. But outside there's a commotion. 'Doctor, come quick.' The nurse tells me that a young woman is struggling to breath.
机译:我的病人说,我在吃吉非尼。 Chifini?我已经难过了他是我在赞比亚偏远地区的一家小型乡村诊所的第一位患者,距我在莱斯特的城市实习只有一个月的休假日。这是Nyanja的蠕虫词吗?也许他指的是他的HIV感染,疟疾或结核病。我已经完成作业,并且智能手机上装有热带医学应用程序。我已经准备好服用Coartem〜R,吡喹酮,依非韦伦(efavirenz)等外来药物。我找到了一名护士,她很乐意为我翻译。她说,Chifini的意思是打喷嚏。他感冒了。 Chifini。拟声词多么精美,又令人放心。在英国的23年普通实践中,我在上呼吸道症状方面有一定经验。我没想到会有如此熟悉的背景。但是外面有骚动。 “医生,快点来。”护士告诉我,一名年轻女子呼吸困难。



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