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Mineral Lick Visitation by Mountain Goats, Oreamnos americanus


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Many species, including Mountain Goats (Oreamnnos americanas), are known to visit mineral licks, but the extent and duration of use are poorly understood because most studies consist of observations at licks. I studied the movements to, from, and near mineral licks of 11 mountain goats in Washington wearing Global Positioning System (GPS) collars for a total of 169 goat-months of tracking and evaluated chemical composition of six mineral licks compared with reference soil samples. I recorded 101 mineral lick visits to 13 mineral licks. Each GPS fix was classified as moving toward a mineral lick, in the vicinity of a lick, on an excursion from a lick, moving away from a lick, or not associated with lick use. Depending on annual movement patterns associated with lick use, each Mountain Goat was classified as a Migrant (single lick visit of long duration, n = 3 Mountain Goats), Sojourner (few visits of short duration, n = 2), Commuter (man) visits of short duration, n = 5), or Resident (lick within normal range of movements. n 1). Most mineral lick visits took place 01 June 15August with peak visitation about 14 June-29 July. Migrants typically stayed in the vicinity of licks about a month (hut as long a.s 51 days) whereas other mountain goats visited licks for 0.1-8 days (median = 1 day). Migrants also tended to take longer and move farther than other Mountain Goats when on movements to and from ticks. Most Mountain Goats moved toward mineral licks faster (km/hr) than they moved away from licks. All licks had higher concentrations of sodium than reference samples (1.5-27 times as high), although concentrations of calcium. potassium, and sulphate tended to be higher as well, whereas magnesium was not. Mineral lick visitation has costs (energetics of travel, reduced forage, and predation risk). Depending on the importance of these costs, mountain goats evidently use various strategies for exploiting mineral licks as exemplified by the movement types (migrant, sojourner, commuter, or resident). Notably, most of the Mountain Goats in this study crossed national forest, county and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife region boundaries to another to visit mineral licks. Thus, coordination among administrative units is needed in management of Mountain Goats and mineral licks they use.
机译:众所周知,包括山山羊(Oreamnnos americanas)在内的许多物种都在参观矿物舔皮,但由于大多数研究都包括对舔皮的观察,因此对其使用的程度和持续时间了解甚少。我研究了11名戴着全球定位系统(GPS)项圈的华盛顿山羊在矿岩的运动,从矿岩运动到附近的运动,并对其进行了追踪,共追踪了169个山羊月,并与参考土壤样品相比,评估了6种矿岩的化学成分。我记录了101次矿物舔到13次矿物舔的访问。每个GPS定位都归类为:在舔乐的地方,朝着舔乐的方向朝矿物舔乐移动,远离舔乐,远离舔乐或与舔乐使用无关。根据与舔食使用相关的年度运动模式,每只高山山羊被分类为移民(长期单舔访问,n = 3高山山羊),寄居者(短期访问次数很少,n = 2),通勤者(人)短时造访(n = 5)或常住造访(在正常动作范围内舔。n1)。大多数矿物舔探访是在8月6日15日进行的,高峰探访大约在6月14日至7月29日。迁徙者通常在舔about附近停留一个月左右(小屋长达51天),而其他山羊则到舔s处停留0.1-8天(中位数= 1天)。迁徙和走动时,迁徙者往往比其他山羊要花费更长的时间,并且走得更远。大多数山山羊向矿物舔的移动速度(公里/小时)要比远离舔的移动更快。尽管钙含量较高,但所有舔液的钠含量均高于参考样品(高1.5-27倍)。钾和硫酸盐也倾向于更高,而镁则没有。舔矿产有一定的成本(旅行的精力,减少的草料和掠食的风险)。根据这些成本的重要性,山羊显然会使用各种策略来开采矿物质舔,例如运动类型(移民,定居者,通勤者或居民)。值得注意的是,在这项研究中,大多数山山羊越过了国家森林,县和华盛顿鱼类与野生动物保护区的边界,又越过另一处探视矿物舔。因此,在管理山羊和它们使用的矿物舔片时,需要管理部门之间的协调。



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