
Strife on earth


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Sir David Attenborough, Britain's most famous naturalist, has just announced that the environment is in crisis. There are two roads in Richmond with the same name. One of them is where Sir David Attenborough has lived for the last 40 years. The otheris where I turn up, at the appointed time, to meet him. They are a substantial jog apart. 'Not again,' says the weary-looking woman who answers the door. 'This happens about once a month. You go to the end of the road, turn left, cross the river...' Arriving hot, sweaty, embarrassed and 2S minutes late to interview the most famous naturalist in Britain is not a promising start. But David Attenborough seems to be as unflappable in the flesh as on the screen. For a man who has waded barefoot through piles of diseased rats, smuggled sacks of armadillos into hotel bedrooms and woken up with a wild lion sitting on his chest, this is probably not, after all, a serious inconvenience.
机译:英国最著名的博物学家戴维·阿滕伯勒爵士(Sir David Attenborough)刚刚宣布环境正处于危机之中。里士满有两条同名公路。其中之一就是大卫·阿滕伯勒爵士(David Attenborough)过去40年来的住所。另一个是我在约定的时间到会见他的地方。他们相差很远。回答门的那个看上去很疲倦的女人说:“再也没有。” '这大约每月发生一次。您要走到路的尽头,左转,过河……”迟到,汗流,背,尴尬而又迟到2S分钟的时间来采访英国最著名的博物学家并不是一个有希望的开始。但是大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)的肉体似乎和屏幕上一样坚不可摧。对于一个赤脚穿过成堆的患病老鼠,走私的犰狳成袋进入旅馆卧室,并用野狮子坐在胸前醒来的男人来说,这毕竟不是一个严重的麻烦。



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